January 2013 Filing Log

The documents are listed by date, docket number(s), (number of copies filed),
NAME OF DOCUMENT, and a description

January 2013
1/2/2013 12-025-T01
(3) COMMENTS FROM DPU Re: Empire Electric Association, Inc. – The purpose for the rate changes are to move to a more cost-based rate structure and to provide sufficient revenue for Empire’s 2013 proposed budget.
1/2/2013 13-999-01
(11)  PACIFICORP’S DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2013
1/2/2013 12-057-14
(8)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application for Approval of the 2013 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
1/2/2013 13-2562-01
(8)  APPLICATION  In the Matter of the Application of YipTel, L.L.C. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange, Access, and Interexchange Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah
1/2/2013 12-035-67
(6)  US MAGNESIUM LLC’S LATE PETITION TO INTERVENE  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/2/2013 12-035-102
(1)  REDACTED ERRATA DIRECT TESTIMONY OF STACEY J. KUSTERS  In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Acquire Natural Gas Resources
1/2/2013 12-035-102
(13)  CONFIDENTIAL ERRATA DIRECT TESTIMONY OF STACEY J. KUSTERS  In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Acquire Natural Gas Resources
1/2/2013 12-035-115
(12)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Major Event Exclusion for the Weather-Related Events that Occurred on November 9-12, 2012
1/2/2013 13-028-T01
(3) TARIFF Re: Garkane Energy Cooperative, Inc. – The change in these Rate Schedules is the explanation and wording within the Rate Schedules.
1/3/2013 12-2559-01
(6)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM BLUE JAY WIRELESS, LLC  In the Matter of the Petition of Blue Jay Wireless, LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service on a Wireless Basis
1/3/2013 10-035-97
(1)  COURTESY COPY OF CORRESPONDENCE FROM COMCAST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Consolidated Applications of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Standard Reciprocal and Non-Reciprocal Pole Attachment Agreements
1/3/2013 13-087-P01
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Corp. – This filing increases the rates for Custom Calling Services and several pricing plans in the Utah Residential Local Exchange Services Price List.
1/4/2013 12-057-19
(8)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to File a Change in its Existing Tariff
1/4/2013 12-035-92
(11)  SIERRA CLUB MOTION FOR A STAY OR CONTINUANCE PENDING FINAL EPA ACTION  In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Construct Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4
1/4/2013 12-035-92
(11)  ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S MOTION FOR AMENDED PROCEDURAL SCHEDULE  In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Construct Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4
1/4/2013 13-057-01
(1)  QUESTAR GAS COMPANY’S REPORT ON DSM EXPENDITURES AND DECATHERM (DTH) SAVINGS TO DATE  In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Report on DSM Expenditures and Decatherm (Dth) Savings to Date
1/4/2013 13-028-01
(1)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM GARKANE ENERGY COOPERATIVE, INC.  In the Matter of Garkane Energy Cooperative, Inc.’s Construction of a 30 Mile 138 kV Transmission Line from Tropic, Utah to Hatch, Utah
1/7/2013 13-035-01
(11)  ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S PROPOSED UTAH SERVICE RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE BASELINES  In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Utah Service Reliability Performance Baselines
1/7/2013 12-035-119
(11)  ERRATA TO REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CUSTOMER SERVICE AGREEMENT  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Customer Service Agreement with the City of Enterprise, Utah
1/7/2013 12-035-67
(11)  ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S RESPONSE TO US MAGNESIUM LLC’S LATE PETITION TO INTERVENE  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/7/2013 12-035-92
(11)  ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION TO SIERRA CLUB’S MOTION FOR A STAY OR CONTINUANCE PENDING FINAL ACTION  In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Construct Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4
1/8/2013 13-049-01
(1)  AMENDED INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT  In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, LLC dba PAETEC Business Services
1/8/2013 12-035-119
(11)  ERRATA TO REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CUSTOMER SERVICE AGREEMENT  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Customer Service Agreement with the City of Enterprise, Utah
1/8/2013 13-2035-01
(11)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM PACIFICORP RE: REQUEST FOR FILING EXTENSION  In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s 2013 Integrated Resource Plan
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(11)  WITHDRAWAL OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S RESPONSE TO US MAGNESIUM LLC’S LATE PETITION TO INTERVENE  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(13)  REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF BRIAN S. DICKMAN, FRANK C. GRAVES, DANA M. RALSTON, AND STEFAN A. BIRD FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(13)  CONFIDENTIAL REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF STEFAN A. BIRD FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/8/2013 13-028-T01
(3) COMMENTS FROM DPU Re: Garkane Energy Cooperative, Inc. – The change in these Rate Schedules is the explanation and wording within the Rate Schedules.
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(1)  REDACTED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CHARLES E. PETERSON  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(13)  CONFIDENTIAL REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF CHARLES E. PETERSON  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(14)  REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF RICHARD S. HAHN  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(13)  PREFILED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF ROGER J. SWENSON  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(1)  REDACTED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF J. ROBERT MALKO ON BEHALF OF UTAH INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/8/2013 12-035-67
(13)  CONFIDENTIAL REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF J. ROBERT MALKO ON BEHALF OF UTAH INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/9/2013 13-049-01
(6)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, LLC dba PAETEC Business Services
1/9/2013 12-035-116
(6)  COMMENTS FROM OCS  In the Matter of the DSM Annual Report Filing by Rocky Mountain Power
1/10/2013 12-057-13
(8)  PRE-FILED REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT ON BEHALF OF UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/10/2013 12-057-13
(8)  REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MICHELE BECK ON BEHALF OF THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/10/2013 12-057-13
(8) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF BARRIE L. MCKAY FOR QUESTAR GAS COMPANY In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/11/2013 13-2431-P01
(3) PRICE LIST Re: Trans National Communications International, Inc. – This Tariff sets forth the rates, terms, and conditions for the provision of intrastate switched access services provided by TNCI in Utah.
1/11/2013 12-035-117
(12)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Annual Report Cost-Effectiveness Testing Requirements
1/11/2013 12-035-116
(12)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the DSM Annual Report Filing by Rocky Mountain Power
1/14/2013 13-999-01
(12)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2013
1/14/2013 11-035-73
(1)  REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, by and through its Rocky Mountain Power Division, for Approval of a Solicitation Process for an All-Source Resource for the 2016 Time Period
1/14/2013 11-035-73
(12)  CONFIDENTIAL COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, by and through its Rocky Mountain Power Division, for Approval of a Solicitation Process for an All-Source Resource for the 2016 Time Period
1/14/2013 11-035-73
(1)  REDACTED COMMENTS FROM OCS  In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, by and through its Rocky Mountain Power Division, for Approval of a Solicitation Process for an All-Source Resource for the 2016 Time Period
1/14/2013 11-035-73
(11)  CONFIDENTIAL COMMENTS FROM OCS  In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp, by and through its Rocky Mountain Power Division, for Approval of a Solicitation Process for an All-Source Resource for the 2016 Time Period
1/14/2013 13-052-T01
(3) TARIFF Re: South Central Utah Telephone Association, Inc. – Service Area Map/Exchange Boundaries
1/14/2013 13-2540-01
(6)  FIRST AMENDED APPLICATION OF NEXUS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FOR LIMITED DESIGNATION AS AN ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. § 214(e)  In the Matter of the Application of Nexus Communications, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for Low Income Support Only
1/15/2013 12-057-19
(1)  CORRESPONDENCE FROM QUESTAR GAS COMPANY  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to File a Change in its Existing Tariff
1/15/2013 08-046-01
(1)  REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application for the Increase of Rates and Charges by Manti Telephone Company
1/15/2013 08-046-01
(6)  CONFIDENTIAL COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application for the Increase of Rates and Charges by Manti Telephone Company
1/15/2013 10-057-18
(8)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Demand Side Management/Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance
1/15/2013 12-2559-01
(6)  UTAH RURAL TELECOM ASSOCIATION’S PETITION TO INTERVENE  In the Matter of the Petition of Blue Jay Wireless, LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service on a Wireless Basis
1/15/2013 12-2553-01
(5)  SUPPLEMENT TO TELRITE’S PETITION  In the Matter of the Petition of Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier
1/16/2013 13-2509-P01
(3) PRICE LIST Re: dishNET Wireline L.L.C. – With this submission, dishNET Wireline L.L.C. introduces a new “Residential Package F” (“RP F”).
1/16/2013 12-035-T10
(3) COMMENTS FROM DPU Re: PacifiCorp – In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Rate Changes to Electric Service Schedule No. 37, Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities
1/16/2013 12-035-97
(1)  SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JONI S. ZENGER, PHD  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing Construction of the Sigurd – Red Butte No. 2 345 kV Transmission Line
1/16/2013 12-035-97
(13)  SUPPLEMENTAL DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JONI S. ZENGER, PHD  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing Construction of the Sigurd – Red Butte No. 2 345 kV Transmission Line
1/16/2013 12-999-04
(6)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the 2012 Lifeline, Universal Service and Speech/Hearing-Impaired Funds Status
1/17/2013 12-2561-01
(6)  PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE OF SALT LAKE COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAM  In the Matter of the Petition of Total Call Mobile, Inc. for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(1)  REDACTED PRE-FILED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT ON BEHALF OF THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(13)  CONFIDENTIAL PRE-FILED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT ON BEHALF OF THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(1)  REDACTED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF RICHARD S. HAHN  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(13)  CONFIDENTIAL SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF RICHARD S. HAHN  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(1)  SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW CROFT  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(13)  SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MATTHEW CROFT  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(13)  SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF RANDALL J. FALKENBERG ON BEHALF OF THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(1)  REDACTED SURREBUTTAL EBA TESTIMONY OF DANIEL E. GIMBLE FOR THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(13)  CONFIDENTIAL SURREBUTTAL EBA TESTIMONY OF DANIEL E. GIMBLE FOR THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(13)  SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF BRIAN S. DICKMAN  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(11)  STIPULATED MOTION TO SEVER SPECIAL CONTRACT ISSUES  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(11)  UIEC’S MOTION TO STRIKE THE TESTIMONY OF WITNESS STEFAN A. BIRD, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE, MOTION TO ALLOW POST-HEARING BRIEFS TO ADDRESS LEGAL ISSUES  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(1)  REDACTED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF J. ROBERT MALKO ON BEHALF OF UTAH INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-67
(13)  CONFIDENTIAL SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF J. ROBERT MALKO ON BEHALF OF UTAH INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/17/2013 12-035-118
(13)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Courtesy Notice for Renewable Resource in 2013
1/17/2013 13-2540-01
(6)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Nexus Communications, Inc. for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for Low Income Support Only
1/17/2013 12-2553-01
(6)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Petition of Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless for Limited Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier
1/17/2013 12-035-101
(13)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Changes to Tariff Schedule No. 38, Qualifying Facility Procedures
1/18/2013 13-999-01
(3)  NOTICE OF AFFILIATE TRANSACTION BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2013
1/18/2013 12-035-97
(13)  REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DARRELL T. GERRARD  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing Construction of the Sigurd – Red Butte No. 2 345 kV Transmission Line
1/18/2013 13-049-02
(1)  JANUARY PAYMENTS  In the Matter of the 2013 Qwest Performance Assurance Plan (QPAP)
1/18/2013 12-035-92
(11)  MEMORANDUM OF UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS IN PARTIAL SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE  In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Construct Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4
1/22/2013 12-035-97
(13)  REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MARSHALL R. EMPEY ON BEHALF OF UTAH ASSOCIATED MUNICIPAL POWER SYSTEMS  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing Construction of the Sigurd – Red Butte No. 2 345 kV Transmission Line
1/22/2013 13-035-02
(13)  APPLICATION  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Change its Depreciation Rates Effective January 1, 2014
1/22/2013 12-035-67
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/22/2013 13-2562-01
(6)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of YipTel, L.L.C. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange, Access, and Interexchange Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah
1/22/2013 12-035-119
(12)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of its Customer Service Agreement with the City of Enterprise, Utah
1/23/2013 12-094-01
(6)  MOTION AND CONSENT OF SPONSORING LOCAL COUNSEL FOR PRO HAC VICE ADMISSION OF THORVALD A. NELSON  In the Matter of the Application of Sprint Communications Company L.P. for Informal Adjudication of Indirect Transfer of Control
1/23/2013 12-035-67
(11)  SETTLEMENT STIPULATION  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power to Increase Rates by $29.3 Million or 1.7 Percent through the Energy Balancing Account
1/24/2013 12-057-13
(8)  PRE-FILED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DOUGLAS D. WHEELWRIGHT ON BEHALF OF UTAH DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/24/2013 13-095-P01
(1) PRICE LIST Re: MCI Communications Services, Inc. – With this filing, Verizon Business implements a $10 monthly recurring fee for its Business B2 Toll Free Option 1 service.
1/24/2013 12-057-13
(9)  SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF MICHELE BECK ON BEHALF OF THE OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/24/2013 12-057-13
(1)  REDACTED SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JAMES R. LIVSEY FOR QUESTAR GAS COMPANY  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/24/2013 12-057-13
(8)  CONFIDENTIAL SURREBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JAMES R. LIVSEY FOR QUESTAR GAS COMPANY  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/24/2013 12-035-100
(11)  PETITION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE OF SUN EDISON, LLC  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Changes to Renewable Avoided Cost Methodology for Qualifying Facilities Projects Larger than Three Megawatts
1/25/2013 13-035-02
(12)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Change its Depreciation Rates Effective January 1, 2014
1/25/2013 00-035-T07
(11) QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE LOW INCOME LIFELINE PROGRAM FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 Re: PacifiCorp – In the Matter of Revision’s to PacifiCorp’s Tariff P.S.C.U. No. 43, Re: Addition of Schedules 3 and 91 for the Low Income Lifeline Program and Surcharge for Funding
1/25/2013 13-087-P02
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Corp. – This filing increases several All-In-One Rates and also adds a new flat rate Plan B.
1/25/2013 13-087-P03
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Corp. – This filing increases rates for AT&T’s Business Network Service.
1/25/2013 13-087-P04
(1) PRICE LIST Re: AT&T Corp. – This filing decreases the rate for the consumer long distance In-State Connection Fee.
1/25/2013 13-035-03
(6)  PETITION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Petition of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval to Terminate Electric Service
1/25/2013 13-035-04
(6)  PETITION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Petition of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval to Terminate Electric Service
1/25/2013 13-035-05
(6)  PETITION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Petition of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval to Terminate Electric Service
1/25/2013 13-035-06
(6)  PETITION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Petition of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval to Terminate Electric Service
1/25/2013 13-035-07
(6)  PETITION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER  In the Matter of the Petition of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval to Terminate Electric Service
1/28/2013 13-035-02
(1)  APPENDIX A RE: JACOB POUS, SARA COLEMAN, AND JESSICA SHOWALTER  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Change its Depreciation Rates Effective January 1, 2014
1/28/2013 12-094-01
(8)  ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND RECEIPT OF PRO HAC VICE FILING FEE  In the Matter of the Application of Sprint Communications Company L.P. for Informal Adjudication of Indirect Transfer of Control
1/28/2013 12-2289-01, 12-2353-01, and 12-2536-02
(1)  REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: JANUARY 24, 2013  In the Matter of the Joint Application of 360networks (USA) inc., American Fiber Systems, Inc. and Zayo Group, LLC for Approval of Certain Pro Forma Intra-Corporate Transactions
1/28/2013 08-046-01
(6)  MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND REVIEW OR REHEARING  In the Matter of the Application for the Increase of Rates and Charges by Manti Telephone Company
1/28/2013 12-057-13
1/28/2013 13-049-03
(1)  AMENDED INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT  In the Matter of the Amended Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Comcast Phone of Utah, LLC dba Comcast Digital Phone
1/29/2013 12-2287-01
(9)  NOTICE OF CONSUMMATION  In the Matter of the Notification of CTC Communications Corp., DeltaCom, LLC f/k/a DeltaCom, Inc., and EarthLink Business, LLC f/k/a New Edge Network, Inc. Regarding Certain Pro Forma Intra-Company Changes
1/29/2013 13-035-T01
(3) TARIFF Re: PacifiCorp – In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Schedule 194 Demand-side Management Cost Adjustment Credit
1/29/2013 13-057-T01
(3) TARIFF Re: Questar Gas Company – This filing is to comply with the order issued at the conclusion of the January 25, 2013 hearing in Docket No. 12-057-19, Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to File a Change in its Existing Tariff.
1/29/2013 12-057-13
1/29/2013 12-2559-01
(6)  DIRECT TESTIMONY OF DAVID WAREIKIS  In the Matter of the Petition of Blue Jay Wireless, LLC for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier for the Purpose of Offering Lifeline Service on a Wireless Basis
1/30/2013 12-057-16
(9)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance
1/30/2013 13-035-02
(11)  ERRATA TO THE DIRECT TESTIMONY OF HENRY E. LAY  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Change its Depreciation Rates Effective January 1, 2014
1/30/2013 13-999-03
(1)  CENTURYLINK’S SERVICE QUALITY REPORTS – FOURTH QUARTER 2012  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2013
1/30/2013 13-999-04
(1)  ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF UNION TELEPHONE COMPANY  In the Matter of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers’ Annual Lifeline Recertification Filings
1/31/2013 10-035-57
(11)  DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT REPORT SUPPLEMENTARY FILING  In the Matter of the Rocky Mountain Power Demand-Side Management 2010 Semi-Annual Forecast
1/31/2013 12-035-100
(13)  DIRECT TESTIMONY OF GREGORY N. DUVALL AND PAUL H. CLEMENTS  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Changes to Renewable Avoided Cost Methodology for Qualifying Facilities Projects Larger than Three Megawatts
1/31/2013 12-999-10
(5)  FURTHER COMMENTS OF AARP  In the Matter of the Consideration of Potential Changes in the Regulation of the Utah Universal Public Telecommunications Service Support Fund, in Response to Recent Changes in the Federal Universal Service Fund Program
1/31/2013 12-999-10
(6)  SUPPLEMENTAL REPLY COMMENTS OF QWEST CORPORATION D/B/A CENTURYLINK QC  In the Matter of the Consideration of Potential Changes in the Regulation of the Utah Universal Public Telecommunications Service Support Fund, in Response to Recent Changes in the Federal Universal Service Fund Program
1/31/2013 12-057-13
(1) LIST OF INDIVIDUALS APPEARING AT PUBLIC WITNESS HEARING In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/31/2013 12-035-T07
(11) ENERGY STAR NEW HOMES PROGRAM PARTICIPATION THIRD AND FOURTH QUARTER 2012 REPORT Re: PacifiCorp – The purpose of this filing is to propose changes to the ENERGY STAR New Homes program and advancing it under the New Homes program (“Program”), which will be administered through Schedule 110.
1/31/2013 12-025-T01
(1) CORRECTED TARIFF PAGES Re: Empire Electric Association, Inc. – The purpose for the rate changes are to move to a more cost-based rate structure and to provide sufficient revenue for Empire’s 2013 proposed budget.
1/31/2013 12-035-100
(1)  APPENDIX A RE: LAUREN FALKENBERG, RANDY FALKENBERG, AND PHILIP HAYET  In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Changes to Renewable Avoided Cost Methodology for Qualifying Facilities Projects Larger than Three Megawatts
1/31/2013 13-057-01
(8)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Report on DSM Expenditures and Decatherm (Dth) Savings to Date
1/31/2013 08-057-11
(8)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Investigation and the Consolidation of Dockets of the Formal Complaints against Questar Gas Company Relating to Back-Billing
1/31/2013 12-035-92
(11)  ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S FILING OF A NOTICE OF RELEVANT ACTION IN A RELATED PROCEEDING  In the Matter of the Voluntary Request of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of Resource Decision to Construct Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems on Jim Bridger Units 3 and 4
1/31/2013 12-999-01
(11)  COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2012
1/31/2013 12-057-13
(6)  LATE FILED QGC EXHIBIT 3.0  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the Wexpro II Agreement
1/31/2013 12-999-10
(6)  FINAL REPLY COMMENTS OF THE UTAH RURAL TELECOM ASSOCIATION  In the Matter of the Consideration of Potential Changes in the Regulation of the Utah Universal Public Telecommunications Service Support Fund, in Response to Recent Changes in the Federal Universal Service Fund Program
1/31/2013 13-999-04
(1)  ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF MANTI TELEPHONE COMPANY  In the Matter of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers’ Annual Lifeline Recertification Filings
1/31/2013 13-999-04
(1)  ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS – CEDAR VALLEY  In the Matter of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers’ Annual Lifeline Recertification Filings
1/31/2013 13-999-04
(1)  ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF UBTA-UBET COMMUNICATIONS, INC. D/B/A STRATA NETWORKS  In the Matter of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers’ Annual Lifeline Recertification Filings
1/31/2013 13-999-04
(1)  ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF BEEHIVE TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., UTAH  In the Matter of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers’ Annual Lifeline Recertification Filings
1/31/2013 13-999-04
(1)  ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF TRACFONE WIRELESS, INC.  In the Matter of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers’ Annual Lifeline Recertification Filings