November 2014 Filing Log

The documents are listed by date, docket number(s), (number of copies filed),
NAME OF DOCUMENT, and a description

Entries highlighted in yellow are PROPRIETARY filings

November 2014
11/3/2014 14-035-116
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM DON GREN In the Matter of the Disposition of Remaining Unused Credits Associated with Excess Customer-Generated Electricity Provided Under Utah Code Ann. § 54-15-104(4)
11/3/2014 14-035-116
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM SAM LENTZ In the Matter of the Disposition of Remaining Unused Credits Associated with Excess Customer-Generated Electricity Provided Under Utah Code Ann. § 54-15-104(4)
11/3/2014 14-035-142
(11) RMP’S ANNUAL DSM NOV 1ST DEFERRED ACCOUNT AND FORECAST REPORTING In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Annual Demand Side Management Nov. 1st Deferred Account and Forecast Reporting
11/3/2014 14-035-122
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Refinery)
11/3/2014 14-035-122
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Refinery)
11/3/2014 14-035-121
(1) REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Smelter)
11/3/2014 14-035-121
(12) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Smelter)
11/3/2014 14-999-06
11/3/2014 14-057-26
(8) QGC APPLICATION In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance
11/3/2014 14-057-27
(8) QGC APPLICATION In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
11/3/2014 14-057-26 AND 14-057-27
(1) QGC PRESS RELEASE In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
11/3/2014 14-057-T07
(8) TARIFF In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Filing to Comply with the Commission’s Request Issued on October 27, 2014, in Docket No. 14-057-T05, Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to File a Change in its Existing Tariff
11/3/2014 14-057-28
(1) REDACTED FORMAL COMPLAINT OF JOE COOK AGAINST QGC In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Joe Cook against Questar Gas Company
11/3/2014 14-057-28
(1) FORMAL COMPLAINT OF JOE COOK AGAINST QGC In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Joe Cook against Questar Gas Company
11/4/2014 14-035-40
(11) PACIFICORP QUARTERLY COMPLIANCE FILING – 2014.Q3 AVOIDED COST INPUT CHANGES In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s 2014 Avoided Cost Input Changes Quarterly Compliance Filing
11/4/2014 14-049-01
(1) QWEST PAP COMPLIANCE FILING In the Matter of CenturyLink’s Petition for Review and Modification of its Performance Assurance Plan and Performance Indicator Definitions Consistent with the Colorado Settlement [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY FILES]
11/4/2014 13-999-02
(1) QGC AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2014
11/4/2014 14-051-01
(1) REDACTED DIRECT TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS ON BEHALF OF BEEHIVE TELEPHONE CO. INC. In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc. for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/4/2014 14-051-01
(5) DIRECT TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS ON BEHALF OF BEEHIVE TELEPHONE CO. INC. In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc. for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/5/2014 14-057-22, 14-057-23, AND >14-057-24
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: OCTOBER 30, 2014 In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Conservation Enabling Tariff Balancing Account AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for a Tariff Change and Adjustment to the Low Income Assistance/Energy Assistance Rate
11/5/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM NIA SHERAR In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/5/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM NIA SHERAR (2) In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/5/2014 14-035-114
(1) LIST OF ATTENDEES AT THE UTAH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION TECHNICAL CONFERENCE In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/5/2014 14-2301-P06
(3) PRICE LIST Re: SBC Long Distance, LLC, d/b/a SBC Long Distance, d/b/a AT&T Long Distance – The purpose of this filing is to remove previously grandfathered services with no remaining subscribers.
11/5/2014 14-051-01
(6) BEEHIVE TELEPHONE WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc. for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/6/2014 14-057-25
(1) EMAIL COMMENT FROM DAN DENT In the Matter of QGC’s Application for Approval of the 2015 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/6/2014 14-098-01
(6) COMMUNITY WATER COMPANY RATE APPLICATION In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for an Increase in Rates
11/6/2014 13-057-18
(6) QGC REPLACEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN AND BUDGET, THIRD QUARTER VARIANCE REPORT In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Replacement Infrastructure 2014 Annual Plan and Budget
11/7/2014 14-035-143
(11) APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of an Electric Service Agreement between PacifiCorp and US Magnesium LLC [CONTAINS A PROPRIETARY EXHIBIT]
11/7/2014 14-2539-01
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 5, 2014 In the Matter of the Joint Application of MegaPath Corporation and GC Pivotal, LLC d/b/a Global Capacity for Approval of Asset Transfer Transaction
11/7/2014 14-035-128
(11) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S SERVICE QUALITY REVIEW REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2014 In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Service Quality Review Report

(1) PRICE LIST Re: MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services – With this filing, Verizon Business introduces its 10-10-321, 10-10-220, 10-10-987 Calling and MinutePass Phone Cards (aka Telecom*USA Phone Cards) Services.
11/10/2014 14-035-T12
(11) TARIFF In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 91, Surcharge to Fund Low Income Residential Lifeline Program; Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 92, Low Income Residential Lifeline Program Surcharge Refund Credit
11/10/2014 11-057-05
(1) COURTESY COPY – QUESTAR GAS COMPANY 3RD QUARTER 2014 LINE DAMAGE REPORTS In the Matter of the Request of the Division of Public Utilities for Enforcement Action under the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act Against Questar Gas Company
11/10/2014 14-051-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: BION C. OSTRANDER In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/10/2014 14-051-01
(1) APPENDIX A RE: DAVID BREVITZ In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/10/2014 14-035-116
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM RICHARD PETTY In the Matter of the Disposition of Remaining Unused Credits Associated with Excess Customer-Generated Electricity Provided Under Utah Code Ann. § 54-15-104(4)
11/12/2014 14-035-144
(11) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S NOTICE OF THE SALE OF THE FOUNTAIN GREEN HYDROELECTRIC PLANT In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Notice of the Sale of the Fountain Green Hydroelectric Plant [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY EXHIBITS]
11/12/2014 14-2552-01
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 4, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of Peerless Network of Utah, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold Local Exchange and Interexchange Telecommunications Services within the State of Utah
11/12/2014 14-999-03
(1) COURTESY COPY OF SECTION 63.71 APPLICATION FOR SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY L.P. In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Telecommunications Utility Services; 2014
11/12/2014 14-999-02
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2014
11/12/2014 14-057-28
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Joseph Cook against Questar Gas Company
11/12/2014 14-2546-P01
(3) PRICE LIST Re: Onvoy, LLC – This filing replaces in their entirety the Company’s Utah Tariff No. 1 (Local) and Utah Tariff No. 2 (Access) and are submitted as follow up to the approval in Docket No. 14-2546-01 of the Company’s conversion to a Minnesota limited liability company and resulting change in Company name to Onvoy, LLC.
11/13/2014 14-2574-02
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of New Horizons Communications Corp. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah
11/13/2014 14-2574-02
(6) COMMENTS OF URTA AND PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of the Application of New Horizons Communications Corp. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah
11/13/2014 12-035-77
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Request for a Home Energy Report Pilot Program
11/13/2014 13-035-184
(11) COMMENTS FROM UAE INTERVENTION GROUP In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Utah and for Approval of its Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Electric Service Regulations
11/14/2014 13-035-184
(11) RMP RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF FILING AND COMMENT PERIOD In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Utah and for Approval of its Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Electric Service Regulations
11/14/2014 14-057-25
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2015 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/14/2014 12-035-T07
(12) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S NEW HOMES PROGRAM PARTICIPATION RATES REPORT, 3RD QUARTER 2014 (JULY 1, 2014 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2014)  TARIFF NAME: The purpose of this filing is to propose changes to the ENERGY STAR New Homes program and advancing it under the New Homes program (“Program”), which will be administered through Schedule 110.
11/14/2014 13-035-184
(11) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Utah and for Approval of its Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Electric Service Regulations
11/14/2014 13-035-184
(11) COMMENTS FROM LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT W. JACKSON In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Utah and for Approval of its Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Electric Service Regulations
11/14/2014 14-999-05
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Lifeline Outreach Reports [CONTAINS PROPRIETARY ATTACHMENT]
11/14/2014 14-057-25
(8) COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2015 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/14/2014 14-057-29
(8) QUESTAR REPLACEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE 2015 ANNUAL PLAN AND BUDGET In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Replacement Infrastructure 2015 Annual Plan and Budget
11/17/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM ROBERT NOHAVEC In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/17/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM MELANIE FLORENCE In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/17/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM ROBERT STEVENS In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/17/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM DON GREN In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/17/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM TAMARA J. FERGUSON In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/17/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM DIANE ROSENBERG In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/17/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM JAY VESTAL In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/17/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM JOHN ANDERSON In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/17/2014 14-057-28
(8) NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT AND MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME AND VACATE DEADLINES In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Joseph Cook against Questar Gas Company
11/17/2014 13-035-184
(8) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT W. JACKSON In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Utah and for Approval of its Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Electric Service Regulations
11/17/2014 13-035-184
(1) CORRESPONDENCE FROM LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT W. JACKSON In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Increase its Retail Electric Utility Service Rates in Utah and for Approval of its Proposed Electric Service Schedules and Electric Service Regulations
11/17/2014 14-057-22
(8) SUBMISSION OF SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION In the Matter of the Pass-Through Application of Questar Gas Company for an Adjustment in Rates and Charges for Natural Gas Service in Utah
11/17/2014 14-057-29
(1) REPLACEMENT EXHIBIT TO QUESTAR GAS COMPANY’S REPLACEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE 2015 ANNUAL PLAN AND BUDGET FILED ON NOVEMBER 14, 2014 In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Replacement Infrastructure 2015 Annual Plan and Budget
11/18/2014 14-057-28
11/18/2014 14-057-T07
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Questar Gas Company’s Filing to Comply with the Commission’s Request Issued on October 27, 2014, in Docket No. 14-057-T05, Application of Questar Gas Company for Authority to File a Change in its Existing Tariff
11/18/2014 14-035-145
(11) APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company
11/18/2014 14-999-01
(1) EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE FROM ALINDA BAKER In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2014
11/19/2014 12-035-77
(11) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Request for a Home Energy Report Pilot Program
11/19/2014 14-057-26 AND 14-057-27
(8) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Amortize the Energy Efficiency Deferred Account Balance AND In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
11/19/2014 14-035-121 AND 14-035-122
(11) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AMENDED PPA’S BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND KENNECOTT UTAH COPPER LLC – SMELTER AND REFINERY In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Smelter) AND In the Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power for Approval of the Power Purchase Agreement between PacifiCorp and Kennecott Utah Copper, LLC (Refinery)
11/19/2014 14-999-01
(3) PACIFICORP NOTICE OF SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT WITH NEXANT, INC. – CORRECTED In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Electric Utility Services; 2014
11/19/2014 14-035-114
(1) EMAIL COMMENTS FROM DAVID BENNETT In the Matter of the Investigation of the Costs and Benefits of PacifiCorp’s Net Metering Program
11/19/2014 14-057-28
(1) EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE FROM JOE COOK In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Joseph Cook against Questar Gas Company
11/19/2014 14-035-140
(11) PETITION TO INTERVENE OF SCATEC SOLAR NORTH AMERICA, INC. In the Matter of the Review of Electric Service Schedule No. 38, Qualifying Facilities Procedures, and Other Related Procedural Issues
11/20/2014 14-057-28
(1) EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE FROM JOSEPH COOK In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Joseph Cook against Questar Gas Company
11/20/2014 14-057-28
(8) AMENDED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME AND CONTINUANCE OF HEARING In the Matter of the Formal Complaint of Joseph Cook against Questar Gas Company
11/20/2014 14-2574-01
(1) CORRESPONDENCE FROM LANCE J.M. STEINHART, ATTORNEYS FOR NEW HORIZONS COMMUNICATIONS CORP. In the Matter of the Petition of New Horizons Communications Corp. for Authority to Compete as a Telecommunications Corporation and to Offer Public Local Exchange Telecommunications Services
11/20/2014 14-2351-01
(9) NOTICE OF CONSUMMATION In the Matter of the Joint Application of Level 3 Communications, Inc., Saturn Merger Sub 1, LLC, Saturn Merger Sub 2, LLC, Level 3 Communications, LLC, Broadwing Communications, LLC, Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc., Global Crossing Local Services, Inc., WilTel Communications, LLC and tw telecom inc., tw telecom holdings inc., and tw telecom of utah llc for Approval of Transfer of Control and Related Transactions
11/20/2014 14-035-T04
(11) UTAH CLEAN ENERGY, SUNEDISON LLC, AND SUSTAINABLE POWER GROUP, LLC’S REQUEST FOR AGENCY REVIEW, RECONSIDERATION OR REHEARING In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 37, Avoided Cost Purchases from Qualifying Facilities
11/20/2014 14-999-02
(1) COURTESY COPY, CIG FILING – QUARTERLY LUF TRUE-UP REIMBURSEMENT FILING In the Matter of the Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports Regarding Gas Utility Services; 2014
11/20/2014 14-2236-01
(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 18, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of Talk America Services, LLC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Resold Local Exchange and Interexchange Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah

(1) REPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT RE: NOVEMBER 18, 2014 In the Matter of the Application of Windstream Holdings, Inc., McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, LLC, PAETEC Communications, Inc., Windstream Communications, Inc., Windstream NTI, Inc., Windstream NuVox, Inc., and Talk America Services, LLC for the Approval of the Transfer of Customers to Talk America Services, LLC
11/21/2014 14-2574-02
(5) WITHDRAWAL OF UTAH RURAL TELECOM ASSOCIATION’S PETITION TO INTERVENE In the Matter of the Application of New Horizons Communications Corp. for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Provide Telecommunications Services in the State of Utah
11/21/2014 14-051-01
(6) SETTLEMENT STIPULATION In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/24/2014 14-035-36
(1) PACIFICORP’S QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q FOR THE PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 In the Matter of PacifiCorp’s Financial Reports
11/24/2014 14-098-01
REDACTED COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
11/24/2014 14-051-01
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU  In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund.
11/24/2014 14-035-116
EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE FROM SCOTT THORNTON (RMP) TO DON GREN  In the Matter of the Disposition of Remaining Unused Credits Associated with Excess Customer-Generated Electricity Provided Under Utah Code Ann. § 54-15-104(4)
11/24/2014 14-098-01
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Application of Community Water Company for Approval of a General Rate Increase
11/24/2014 14-051-01
(6) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE TO SETTLEMENT STIPULATION FILED ON NOVEMBER 21, 2014 In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/24/2014 14-051-01
(6) REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE NO. 1 – RATES FOR SERVICE In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/24/2014 14-051-01
(6) REPLACEMENT DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RAYMOND HENDERSHOT ON BEHALF OF BEEHIVE TELEPHONE CO. INC. In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/24/2014 14-051-01
(6) REPLACEMENT DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JACOB WARNER ON BEHALF OF BEEHIVE TELEPHONE CO. INC. In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/24/2014 14-035-T12
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 91, Surcharge to Fund Low Income Residential Lifeline Program; Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 92, Low Income Residential Lifeline Program Surcharge Refund Credit
11/24/2014 14-051-01
(6) COMMENTS FROM DPU In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/25/2014 14-035-T13
(6) TARIFF In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 4, Pole Attachments
11/25/2014 14-057-25
(8) REPLY COMMENTS FROM OCS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2015 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/25/2014 14-057-25
(9) QUESTAR GAS COMPANY’S REPLY COMMENTS  In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company for Approval of the 2015 Year Budget for Energy Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation Initiative
11/25/2014 14-035-T12
(9) COMMENTS FROM OCS  In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Proposed Revisions to Electric Service Schedule No. 91, Surcharge to Fund Low Income Residential Lifeline Program; Proposed Electric Service Schedule No. 92, Low Income Residential Lifeline Program Surcharge Refund Credit
11/25/2014 14-057-27
(8) SUBMISSION OF SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION AND UPDATED TARIFF SHEETS In the Matter of the Application of Questar Gas Company to Change the Infrastructure Rate Adjustment
11/25/2014 12-2443-01
(6) SETTLEMENT STIPULATION In the Matter of the Application of WaterPro Inc. for a Culinary Water Rate Case
11/25/2014 14-051-01
(1) EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE FROM DAVID IRVINE In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/26/2014 12-2443-01
(6) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE TO SETTLEMENT STIPULATION In the Matter of the Application of WaterPro Inc. for a Culinary Water Rate Case
11/26/2014 14-051-01
(1) EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE FROM MELANIE REIF TO DAVID IRVINE In the Matter of the Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., for an Increase in Rates and Participation in the Universal Telecommunications Service Support Fund
11/26/2014 14-2445-01
(6) PETITION OF CROWN CASTLE NG WEST LLC In the Matter of the Petition of Crown Castle NG West LLC to Amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Reflect a Name Change
11/28/2014 14-2204-P05
(3) PRICE LIST Re: CenturyLink Communications, LLC – This filing introduces two new residential long distance plans; Home Phone II Unlimited and Home Phone II Per Minute and Retention Offers in Section 5 and grandfathers the Core Connect Professional Unlimited Long Distance Calling Plan for business customers.