2. UDOT Events

I-15 Spanish Fork Interchange Environmental Assessment Public Comment Period Ends


The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) initiated an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate a potential new interchange on Interstate 15 (I-15) in southwest Spanish Fork in Utah County.

The study area for the EA includes I-15 between the Main Street Interchange to the north (Exit 257 A-B) and the Benjamin interchange to the south (Exit 253); the area west of I-15, and east of I-15 along Center Street and surrounding roads.

UDOT has prepared the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the I-15 Spanish Fork Interchange Study!

This assessment evaluates the environmental impacts and performance of the preferred alternative (a new interchange on I-15 at Center Street) compared to the no-action alternative (doing nothing ). UDOT will accept public comments during the public comment period, open from Nov. 25, 2024, through Jan. 3, 2025.

For more information please visit the study website, udotinput.utah.gov/i15spanishforkstudy.

January 03, 2025

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