Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System

A survivor can login into the Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System with their sexual assault kit number (provided at the time of a forensic exam) and their date of birth. If a survivor does not have their sexual assault kit number they can contact the law enforcement agency that took their case or contact the Utah Department of Public Safety Victim Advocate at 801-893-1145.

To track your kit, please copy and paste this URL: https://sakt.ps.utah.gov/sakt/status/

The Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault and the Utah Department of Public Safety created an information card for survivors to be given at the time of their forensic exam about the tracking system. Survivors will be given the website information, sexual assault kit number and instructions. 

Survivor Information Card

Who needs to enter information into the tracking system?

The collection agency – forensic nurse or medical professional conducting the exam.

Law enforcement agency that is receiving the sexual assault kit from the forensic nurse or medical professional.

The crime lab will input crime lab data, including when analysis on a sexual assault kit is complete.