Online eWIC
This page is updated regularly, please visit often.
Dear Vendors,
The target day for statewide “Go Live” with Online EBT is August 1, 2024. Participants will be issued redesigned cards and stores will receive new training materials in advance of the transition. Thank you for your cooperation with our continued efforts to modernize the Utah WIC program!
Online eWIC Bulletins
Utah Online eWIC Bulletin 1Utah Online eWIC Bulletin 2 – MoratoriumUtah Online eWIC Bulletin 3
Online eWIC Training (Coming Soon!)
State-conducted “Training of Trainers”
Informational Materials (Coming Soon!)
Did a customer find an item they couldn’t buy with their eWIC card that you believe should be a WIC approved item? Submit the item to WIC for consideration using the form below.
I Couldn’t Buy This! – WIC UPC Submission Form
UPCs for packaged produce items are normally added at the store level through the produce mapping process. Please speak with a store manager, scan coordinator or IT/POS specialist if you find a produce item not working for WIC.
eWIC Policies
Below are important eWIC specific policies vendors should be aware of. This list does not include all policies affecting WIC vendors. A comprehensive list can be found at the following link:
File Transmissions (Claim file – Hot Card – APL)EBT CapabilityFood Delivery System and Transaction ProceduresFood Price Reporting ListLost e-WIC cards at VendorPayment Disputes and AppealsReimbursement and ClaimsVendor AuthorizationVendor Violations and Sanctions