2. UDOT News

Runaway Truck Escape Ramp in Garden City Opens

Cable barrier system to enhance safety on U.S. 89

A new truck escape ramp opened in October 2020 on U.S. 89 west of Garden City. The catch-net cable system was new to Utah and uses a series of cable nets to stop runaway semi-trucks coming out of Logan Canyon.

Prior to installation, the area saw a rise in runaway truck crashes. This truck escape ramp provides truck drivers with a safe, secure alternative in the event they are out of control coming downhill on U.S. 89.

“We take every opportunity we can to enhance safety on our roads,” UDOT Project Manager Tom Roylance said. “Installing this runaway truck ramp is a solution that will really make a big difference for truck drivers as well as residents, businesses and tourists in Garden City.”

The escape ramp uses a concrete chute to guide runaway trucks into the correct position, where cable restraints are then used to stop the trucks. When a truck hits the cables, they are designed to wrap around the truck, causing it to lose speed and eventually stop.

The cable barrier system is located near the end of the steep downhill section of U.S. 89, and at a safe distance from busy intersections or driveways along the highway farther east in Garden City. It also provides drivers with a straight section of road and sufficient distance for them to see the ramp and safely steer onto it in an emergency.

The truck escape ramp is only one of the measures put in place on U.S. 89 to improve safety for trucks traveling through this area. Other improvements include a mandatory brake check area near the top of the hill, and signs displaying the distance to the truck escape ramp.

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