Transportation Technician Qualification Program (TTQP)

TTQP Program Adjustments and Updates
Our TTQP program continues to evolve. Please see the link below for information on the most recent updates and instructions.
TTQP Program Objectives
The purpose of the Transportation Technician Qualification Program (TTQP) is to ensure quality sampling, testing and inspection during highway construction through the qualification of industry and department personnel. Such a program is required of state highway agencies by Federal Law, and UDOT requires that all sampling and testing be performed by qualified technicians. Through a cooperative program of training, study and examination, technicians will be able to better ensure satisfactory materials control, contract compliance, and contribute to a cost-effective and high-quality transportation system for decades to come.
Registration, Policies, and Information Handbook
Technician Qualification
UDOT’s Transportation Technician Qualification Program, TTQP, is a program for qualifying materials testing technicians to perform sampling and testing for UDOT projects. It includes training and competency evaluations for certification, as well as ongoing evaluations through the Independent Assurance Program. After on-the-job training and independent study, candidates demonstrate their skills to a senior qualified technician and then come to a TTQP certification course. Here, technicians demonstrate their ability through written and performance evaluations for our TTQP Examiners.
UDOT is a full participant in the Western Alliance for Quality Transportation Construction, WAQTC, Many of UDOT’s certifications include WAQTC certificates that have reciprocity in other states.
To register for courses, prerequisites will need to be completed and recorded. These include:
- On-the-job training and independent study.
- Supplementary videos and online training.
- A competency evaluation for new certifications, (as opposed to renewals).
- For nuclear density certifications, current HazMat and Radiation Safety training.
Certifications, Test Methods, and Prerequisites
UDOT offers one-time TTQP reciprocity for some American Concrete Institute (ACI) certifications and certain WAQTC certifications issued in other states.
Typical requirements include:
- Current certification from the one of these organizations
- Signed UDOT rights and responsibilities agreement
- Participation in UDOT's Independent Assurance Program
- Written and performance examinations for associated UDOT-specific procedures
- Nominal Fee
Please see the WAQTC and ACI Reciprocity link below
WAQTC and ACI ReciprocityUDOT Learning Portal
Examination Registration
Registration and payment for Materials Testing Certification Courses and Exams will happen through the UDOT Learning Portal, the business system for UDOT University. See the links below.
- UDOT Employees will register through their account in the Learning Portal: UDOT Learning Portal Employee Access. Choose "Materials Testing Certification."
UDOT's partners, (contractors, suppliers, consultants), will register through their account in the UDOT Learning Portal: UDOT Learning Portal Public Access (for non-UDOT employees).
- If you obtained any UDOT certification or attended the Annual Conference in the last three years, we have already created a Learning Portal account for you. Contact the Employee Development Group at for your username and password.
- New partners will need to create a Learning Portal account. Follow this link to create an account:
- Registration support will be available through the UDOT Employee Development Group at
Participant Workbooks
Independent Assurance
What is Independent Assurance?
UDOT’s Independent Assurance Program is the selected system-level option of assurance required by Federal Regulation. It provides ongoing evaluation of all TTQP-qualified testing technicians qualified to perform testing on UDOT projects. Current Independent Assurance evaluations are required for each qualified technician in each of these areas:- Density
- Fresh Concrete
- Aggregate
- Asphalt
- Embankment and Base
How Often Must I Be Evaluated?
UDOT qualified testing technicians through the Transportation Technician Qualification Program, TTQP. Each UDOT TTQP-qualified technician must be evaluated twice per year. At least one of these evaluations will be through a split sample. Each technician has the responsibility to arrange for and ensure each of these evaluations is complete for their own certifications. Technicians who fail to complete valid Independent Assurance evaluations will have their UDOT TTQP qualifications revoked.How Do I Test?
- UDOT Employees: Contact your Region Independent Assurance Inspector, IAI, at the Region Materials Laboratory for direction.
- Non-UDOT Employees: Contact your AASHTO Accredited Lab Manager for direction.
Testing includes sampling and performance of the material on a split sample usually obtained on a project site. Results are submitted to the UDOT IAI or AASHTO Lab Manager for evaluation and submission to the UDOT Quality Systems Engineer through a business system.
Arrangements for an on-project test are usually the responsibility of the qualified technician.
Further Information
Contact your UDOT Region Independent Assurance Inspector at the Region Laboratory or the UDOT Quality System Engineer, Amy Rico, at, or 801-633-0623Contact Us
Contact UDOT Learning Division for registration help at
Contact UDOT’s TTQP division at