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Truck Parking

Link to Interstate 15 Parking Map

A visor card or truck parking map has been developed that indicates the location of commercial truck stops and public rest areas along the National Highway System in Utah (I-15, I-70, I-80, I-84 and I-215). This map was developed based upon the information provided by CMV drivers to the I-15 Truck Parking Survey and responses to questions in the two focus groups conducted by Lighthouse Research. Subsequently, the truck parking map was designed to provide useful information such as the location or exit number of the facility, how many long-term parking spaces are available as well as what amenities such as food and showers among other information. Other information included on the map feature road condition telephone numbers of surrounding states.

Initially, 10,000 maps were printed and partially distributed at a kickoff event that occurred at the 2012 Utah Trucking Association Management Conference and Trucking Expo at the Dixie Convention Center at St. George. The Utah Trucking Association conference attracts approximately 400 individuals annually representing management from commercial trucking companies within Utah and others with an interest in the trucking industry.