2. Business
  3. Public Entities & Local Governments
  4. Local Government Program Assistance

Local Government Program Assistance

Local Public Agency (LPA) projects have the same priority to UDOT as state projects. UDOT and LPAs are partners in the successful completion of LPA projects.

B&C Road Fund Information

Allocation of B&C Road Funds and Annual Rural Transportation Infrastructure Funds (RTIF)

Weighted Mileage Detail are available for viewing or download. The funds allocation reports are arranged by fiscal year.

The Class B & C road system with a funding program was established by the Utah Legislature in 1937 as a means of providing assistance to counties and incorporated municipalities for the improvement of roads and streets throughout the state.

The Funds differ from ordinary local revenues inasmuch as they are subject to administrative direction by the State in accordance with legislative provision. The Utah Department of Transportation is the administrative authority on behalf of the State.

Rule R926-3 designates those regulations which are acceptable to the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) in the administration of funds for counties, cities, and towns provided for by the Utah Legislature.  The Appendix includes the Statutory Provisions relating to “B” & “C” Road Funds.

Update of Mileage Used for Allocation of Class B & C Road Funds

It is the responsibility of counties and municipalities to update their Class B or C mileage with UDOT when any changes have occurred. UDOT cannot add new road mileage to the system without first receiving proper documentation from the local agency to place on file.

Please fold maps and mail in standard mailing envelope to address at the bottom of form. If map needs to be sent in a larger package, please mail to:

Warehouse – Chris Potter – UDOT Program Development
4503 S. 2700 W.
Taylorsville, UT 84129-5928

Class B & C mileage can be updated by each entity as often as once per year. Changes will be made in the next bi-monthly allocation executed after the documentation is received by UDOT.

Flexible Match for Federal-Aid Project

Flexible Match for Federal-Aid Project

Listed below are the Flexible Match Approval Guidelines and Flexible Match Approval Form.
    Flexible Match Approval Guidelines
      Flexible Match Approval Form
        Have a question? Contact Chris Potter, UDOT Local Government Program Engineer

        Joint Highway Committee

        Joint Highway Committee Programs

        Several types of federal funds are allocated to Utah each year by congress for use on transportation facilities in the rural and small urban areas of the state. In addition to these funds, specific dollars are also set aside for bridges on the local system in all areas of the state.
          In Utah, the Joint Highway Committee (JHC) provides coordination and yearly project recommendations to the Utah Transportation Commission for the use of these federal funds.
            The Joint Highway Committee is made up of representatives from Utah counties and cities. They meet twice a year and make project recommendations each spring to the Utah Transportation Commission. They also make recommendations for the use of state provided state park access funds.
              The following link identifies the current committee members in each of the geographic areas in the state.
                  JHC Bylaws Spring 2013


                    The Joint Highway Committee administers the following specific highway funds: Joint Highway Committee Application –
                    New project applications are received from local government sponsors each year. The application form can be accessed at the following link.
                      JHC Call for Applications
                        Concept Cost Estimating Spreadsheet (Required for each Application)
                          JHC Program Application (MS Word)
                            JHC Program Application (PDF)
                              Please contact UDOT Estimate Support if you have questions on cost estimate spreadsheet at 801-965-4708.
                              Submit applications to UDOT by the second Friday in January.
                                Have a question? Contact Chris Potter, UDOT Local Government Program Engineer, cpotter@utah.gov

                                Local Public Agency Guide

                                Local Public Agency Guide

                                The Utah Department of Transportation has stewardship over local government projects that receive Federal Aid. To assist Local Government agencies, the guides and manuals shown below are provided.
                                  Local Public Agency Guide
                                    Local Government Project Process Contact Information:

                                    Chris Potter, UDOT Local Government Program Engineer
                                    (801) 633-6255

                                    Betterment Guidelines

                                    Betterment Guidelines

                                    Use the Betterment Agreement Form when a local agency requests that betterment work be included in a Local Government or UDOT project. Refer to the Guidelines below for planning and administering betterment work and completing betterment agreements.

                                    Planning Guidelines for Betterment Work

                                    Discussions about potential betterments should be held with Local Governments or Local Agency Stakeholders early in the planning and concept phases of highway projects. The early identification of potential betterment opportunities gives Local Agencies time to secure funding or budget for the betterment work, and insures that the work becomes part of the project scope from the beginning. The opportunity to update aging utility facilities, increase capacity to anticipate future growth, improve mobility, safety and aesthetics in conjunction with the construction of highway projects is a benefit to the Local Agency as well as UDOT. Performing betterment work concurrently with highway work provides cost efficiencies for the Local Agencies, and helps insure that newly constructed or reconstructed highways are not impacted by local utility and roadway projects for many years to come. The incorporation of Local Agency betterment work into highway projects should be encouraged and accommodated, provided that the work does not interfere with the project delivery schedule during design or construction.
                                      Local Agencies should be encouraged to survey existing conditions and future needs when anticipating upcoming UDOT projects within their jurisdictions. Considerations may include:
                                      • Future needs based on growth and land use
                                      • Existing utility facility age, composition, condition and capacity
                                      • Management of traffic and access, including parallel, connecting and cross street operations
                                      • Potential safety, pedestrian and aesthetic enhancements
                                      • Communication and planning with Local Agencies at the earliest possible opportunity will allow the successful incorporation of betterment work into highway projects.

                                      Comptroller’s Office Guidelines for the use of Betterment Agreements

                                      The following guidelines have been issued by the UDOT Comptroller’s Office (May 4, 2009) on the processing of betterment agreements. These guidelines have been issued in response to an increasing number of questions relating to local agency deposits.
                                        These guidelines should be followed as closely as possible. UDOT understands that deviations may be required under some circumstances. However, any deviations from these guidelines should be considered on a “case by case” basis and should be coordinated with the UDOT Comptroller’s Office.
                                          UDOT prefers that the total estimated cost of the betterment work be advanced/deposited with UDOT prior to advertising the project. If a local agency can demonstrate a hardship, other payment options may be allowed. Demonstrated hardship will be based on such factors as a local agency’s current year budget constraints, the need of the local agency to issue bonds to cover the project costs, or on other factors which may prohibit the local agency from advancing the necessary funds. The Local Agency must be current on all existing UDOT project receivable accounts.
                                            In these limited situations, where a local agency has demonstrated a financial hardship and that agency is current on all accounts, the Project Manager with the concurrence of Program Finance on Federal Aid Local Government Projects can negotiate special financial provisions with the local agency. The project manager will analyze forecasted project cost outlays in relation to the local payment schedule and coordinate with the Comptrollers Office for review and verification of the local agency’s overall account status with the Department.
                                              The option to withhold B&C Road funds is a standard clause added to all project collection agreements. Given this, the project manager and Comptrollers Office need to coordinate on special financial provisions to ensure that UDOT is not potentially placed in a position of “floating” actual project costs until funds are received from the local agency.

                                              Design and Construction Guidelines for Betterment Work

                                              Local Agency Betterment work is incorporated into highway project contracts in different ways. Betterment work may be designed by UDOT or its consultants, or the work may be designed by the Local Agency or its consultants and incorporated into UDOT’s contract. Betterment work designs should be planned and developed to be compatible with the roadway design as well as the existing and relocated facilities belonging to other third parties. Local Agency Standards and Specifications can be included in UDOT’s contract documents.
                                                Different formats can be used for betterment work. Betterments may consist of the construction of new facilities, or the upsizing or upgrading existing facilities that require relocation as a result of the project. Betterments may be accomplished as Contract Bid Items, by negotiated Lump Sum, or may be based on a calculation representing the contribution to a facility or system to be shared by UDOT and the Local Agency. Betterment work that is completed as Contract Bid Items should be identified by party and listed in a Non-Participating Detail 80 in the Engineer’s Estimate. This allows the Comptroller’s office to determine the actual cost of the work and reconcile the final amount to be recovered from the Local Agency.
                                                  Betterment Agreements with Local Agencies should be prepared in the form provided on this website. The form can be expanded and modified as necessary to accommodate different betterment formats, but the last two pages cannot be modified without the prior approval of UDOT’s Counsel, representing the Attorney General’s Office. Betterment work to be performed as Contract Bid Items should be identified in the agreement exactly as they appear in the Engineer’s Estimate. Calculated or negotiated betterment costs will be tracked independently of the Contractor’s Pay Estimates.
                                                    Copies of executed Betterment Agreements should be distributed to the Resident Engineer, the Contracts, Estimates and Agreements Specialist in Central Construction, Program Finance and the Comptroller’s Office, preferably by providing a link to the document in Projectwise.
                                                      Local Agencies are required to inspect and insure the acceptability of betterment work while it is being constructed. This has not always been the case. Formerly, Local Agencies had the right, but not the obligation, to inspect betterment work, and UDOT accepted responsibly until final inspection and acceptance. Now, any periodic plan and specification review or construction inspection performed by UDOT does not relieve the Local Agency of its duty to ensure compliance with acceptable standards.
                                                        Betterment Agreement Local Agency Modification to Federal Aid Agreement
                                                          Have a question? Contact Chris Potter, UDOT Local Government Program Engineer

                                                          Safe Sidewalk Program

                                                          Safe Sidewalk Program

                                                          The Utah State Legislature recognizes the need for adequate sidewalk and pedestrian safety amenities and state policy affirms the need to include pedestrian safety considerations for all projects where foot-travel is a significant factor. The Safe Sidewalk Program provides a legislative funding source for construction of new sidewalks adjacent to state routes where sidewalks do not currently exist and where major construction or reconstruction is not planned for ten or more years.
                                                            For further details including criteria and contact information please download the following summary.

                                                            Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

                                                            Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)

                                                            These funds are available for transportation alternatives projects like pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity.
                                                              TAP funding opportunities are available through the metropolitan planning organizations. For areas outside of the MPOs please contact the UDOT Regional Offices.

                                                              Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program

                                                              Safe Routes to School Program

                                                              There is growing concern in Utah and nationally about the safety of children who walk or bike to school. With increased traffic congestion around schools, students who choose to walk or bike have limited safe routes, which discourages this healthy activity.
                                                                To assist in addressing this public safety and health issue, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) provides Utah schools with walking and biking safety resources through the UDOT Safe Routes Utah Program, and the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program.
                                                                  The main goal of the SRTS Program is to assist and encourage students living within 1.5-2 miles to safely walk or bike to school. Available funding can be used for both non-infrastructure (education and encouragement programs), and infrastructure (physical improvements – primarily new sidewalks, but also school pavement markings, signage, bicycle parking, etc.) type projects.

                                                                  Maintenance Responsibilities

                                                                  Maintenance Responsibilities

                                                                  Maintenance Responsibilities at Intersections and Interchanges
                                                                    Have a question? Contact:

                                                                    Chris Potter, UDOT Local Government Program Engineer

                                                                    Functional Class Maps

                                                                    Functional Class Maps

                                                                    Functional Class Maps
                                                                      Have a question? Contact Chris Potter, UDOT Local Government Program Engineer, cpotter@utah.gov