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Planning Information


Salt Lake City Utah

Roles & Resources

Planning Roles and Responsibilities

The fundamental objective of UDOT’s Planning Division is to help the department identify areas of future transportation need and to address that need in a way that considers all users, including our transportation planning partners. We strive to help the department build the right project, in the right place, at the right time. We work in all modes of transportation, including walking, biking, and public transportation and consider it our responsibility to plan for a comprehensive transportation network that is safe, efficient, and incorporates all modes. One of the Planning Division’s tasks is to implement Utah’s Transportation Vision.

Central Planning Resources

Planning Director – Andrea Olson, andreaolson@utah.gov

Planning Manager – Angelo Papastamos, apapastamos@utah.gov

Planning Manager – Natalia Brown nataliabrown@utah.gov

Air Quality Planning Manager – Vacant

Long Range Planning Manager – Vacant

Urban Planning Manager – Jordan Backman jbackman@utah.gov

Region Planning Resources

Region 1 Planning Manager – Ryan Halverson, rhalverson@utah.gov

Region 2 Planning Manager – Geoff Dupaix, gdupaix@utah.gov

Region 3 Planning Manager – Jeff Lewis, jefflewis@utah.gov

Region 4 Planning Manager – Chris Hall, cdhall@utah.gov



While Utah continues to experience unprecedented growth, that growth comes with more than a few growing pains and challenges. To address some of the transportation difficulties, UDOT developed TravelWise – rethink your trip. Put simply, TravelWise – rethink your trip is a set of actions that encourage Utahns to use alternatives to driving alone. By asking individuals, businesses, communities and organizations to TravelWise, we can reduce energy consumption, optimize mobility and improve air quality, ultimately improving the quality of life in Utah. More information about this program, including how to get involved, can be found at the TravelWise Website.
      Have a question? Contact Angelo Papastamos, TravelWise Program Engineer, apapastamos@utah.gov

      Walking & Biking - Active Transportation

      Walking & Biking – Active Transportation

      Active Transportation refers to human-powered travel, such as walking and biking, and personal electric-assisted travel (i.e. e-bikes, scooters, skateboards, wheelchairs, etc.).
        Active transportation improves quality of life and well-being for Utah’s residents with benefits extending into public health, economy and environment. UDOT recognizes these benefits and has a policy to consider active transportation throughout our transportation networks.
          Move Utah is UDOT’s active transportation program focused on creating active, healthy, and connected communities. Move Utah assists local governments and municipalities with planning, developing, and improving facilities for people that walk and bike. More information about this program, including how to get involved, can be found at the Move Utah Website.

            Quick Links:

            Partner Resources:

            Below, you will find links to local agencies, nonprofits, advocacy groups, and other organizations that provide information on cycling and walking.

            Government Partners:


            Trail Organizations:

            Community Involvement/Groups:


            Have a question? Contact Angelo Papastamos, Active Transportation Manager, apapastamos@utah.gov

            Freight and Rail Planning

            Freight and Rail Planning

            Freight knows no boundaries. It moves nationally and internationally, involving countries, states, regions, counties, and municipalities. International and national freight are vital to Utah’s economy. Freight transportation affects consumers’ purchase costs and employment opportunities. Utah’s ability to efficiently handle freight impacts the state’s economic competitiveness.
                The Utah Department of Transportation develops and maintains the Utah Freight Plan, which outlines current freight issues and identifies important projects that impact freight movement. The freight plan is updated every four years, and the last update was completed in 2023.
                  UDOT collaborates with other public and private partners through the Freight Advisory Committee.
                    Quick Links: Please note that the Rail Plan is no longer current; it is provided here for reference only. Have a question? Contact Jordan Backman, Urban Planning Manager, jbackman@utah.gov

                    Long Range Transportation Plan 2023-2050 & Long Range Planning Resources

                    Rural Area Plan

                    Every four years, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) updates its Statewide Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP): to “Keep Utah Moving” now and into the future. This plan forecasts transportation needs over the next approximately 30 years and identifies a list of multi-modal projects meant to address those needs. This planning helps to strengthen Utah’s economy and enhances quality of life for Utahns.

                    UDOT Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP) 2023-2050

                          Appendices (Under construction, will be available soon)

                          Urban Area Plans

                          Transportation needs for urban areas of the states are planned by the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) and transit agencies within Utah. The following agencies update their long range regional transportation plans and strategic plans at various intervals and they address urban long range transportation needs. The planning efforts and related documents for both rural and urban parts of the state are coordinated and result in the development of Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan Utah is among the fastest growing states in the country. Utah’s transportation agencies and local communities work together to ensure superior quality of life that includes good air quality, a vibrant economy, and affordable transportation choices for all Utahns.
                            For additional information, please Contact Andrea Olson, andreaolson@utah.gov

                            Solutions Development

                            Solutions Development

                            Transportation planning helps to identify important transportation problems and possible solutions. Transportation planning identifies what services transportation customers, including citizens and business, need and balances those needs with competing demands to form a common vision and a plan that is financially feasible.

                            Solutions Development is an innovative planning process being developed by UDOT that seeks to capture the unique context of an area or corridor and develop a set of solutions to meet its transportation needs. Solution sets could include things such as roadway improvements for cars, transit and/or active transportation; travel demand management; ITS improvements; land use changes (to be implemented by local government partners); and so forth. The Solutions Development process will also integrate with the work of other UDOT divisions, such as Environmental, Operations, and Performance Management. Integrating with these other areas helps ensure holistic solutions that match the area’s unique context and needs.

                            The Solutions Development process is an important component to implementing Utah’s Transportation Vision

                            Current Solutions Development projects include:
                            • SR-224 Kimball Junction (Region 2)
                            • Northeast Tooele County (Region 2)
                            • North Lake Shore (Region 3)
                            A manual of instruction for the Solutions Development process is available here.

                            Technical Planning Assistance

                            Technical Planning Assistance

                            UDOT offers funding for technical planning assistance to local governments in Utah, especially to those that are experiencing rapid growth and/or lack sufficient resources to carry out planning projects on their own. These funds are awarded on a competitive basis. Eligible project types include:
                            • Community Visioning Projects
                            • Transportation Master Plans
                            • Active Transportation/Multimodal Plans
                            • Corridor Plans/Solutions Development Processes
                            • General Plans
                            • Zoning Code Updates
                            • Small Area Land Use/Transportation Plans
                            For more information, and to apply for funding, please visit the Technical Planning Assistance Resources website

                            Travel Demand Modeling

                            Travel Demand Modeling

                            The Travel Demand Modeling group is responsible for the development and maintenance of the Utah Statewide Travel Demand Model (USTM). We also coordinate closely with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and other planning organizations across the state in the development and maintenance of other travel demand models used across the state for transportation planning. Our work includes:
                            • Developing future population, household and employment distributions for UDOT planning areas in coordination with local and regional governments.
                            • Forecasting travel patterns, vehicle volumes, and vehicle miles traveled.
                            • Forecasting travel demand on highway networks as a means of assessing existing performance and evaluating the effectiveness of future planned investments.
                            Have a question? Contact: Travel Models Used In the State

                            There are five travel demand models in the state. While UDOT supports the development and ongoing maintenance of all of these tools, model ownership varies depending on geography.
                              The Utah Statewide Travel Model (USTM) – Owned and maintained by UDOT. This model space covers most rural areas where UDOT is responsible for transportation planning. While USTM includes the entire state, the model does not develop forecasts for the sub-regional model areas. Instead it uses outputs from the sub-regional models for these areas.

                              Wasatch Front Travel Demand Model – Owned and maintained jointly by the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) and Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), this model covers the most heavily populated areas of the state, including most of Utah, Salt Lake, Davis, Weber counties, as well as a portion of Box Elder County. More information about this model can be found here.

                              Cache County Travel Demand Model – Owned and maintained by Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMPO), this model covers all of Cache County, including areas outside of the CMPO area.

                              Washington County Travel Demand Model – Owned and maintained by the Dixie Metropolitan Planning Organization (DMPO), the model covers all of Washington County, including areas outside of the DMPO area.

                              Summit/Wasatch Travel Demand Model – Owned and maintained by UDOT, MAG, and Summit County, the model covers all of Summit and Wasatch Counties.

                              How Can I Get a Copy of the Model?

                              If you would like to obtain a copy of the USTM or Summit/Wasatch Model, please contact satomlin@utah.gov To obtain a copy of any of the other models please contact the MPOs directly.

                              What Land Use Assumptions are Used in the Models?

                              Through coordination with the MPOs and technical assistance from WFRC, UDOT has developed this web map to make Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level land use forecasts more easily accessible.

                              Managed Lanes

                              Managed Lanes

                              As Utah’s population grows, maintaining and enhancing mobility becomes more challenging. Traditionally, mobility can be improved by adding capacity to the system: building new roads and widening existing roads. This becomes more difficult and costly as we build out our communities and place increasing demands on our transportation system. An alternative path to enhanced mobility is to optimize the existing system. Potential managed lanes are operational strategies to optimize the carrying capacity of existing transportation facilities. Some examples of managed lanes include, High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes, Toll Roads, Reversible lanes, Part-time Shoulder Use, etc.
                                In 2021, UDOT updated its Managed Lanes Manual providing information about the latest developments in managed lanes practices and reviewing the state system for managed lanes opportunities. Visit the project website using the link below to explore more information. The final report can also be downloaded below.

                                Air Quality Modeling

                                Air Quality Modeling

                                Utah Department of Environmental Quality
                                  Air quality non-attainment areas, state implementation plans (SIP) and planning, air quality standards and plans.
                                Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Air Quality Programs
                                  This web site provides information on FHWA’s air quality programs, including transportation conformity, air toxics, and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program.
                                Using MOVES in Project-Level Carbon Monoxide Analyses (EPA, December 2010)
                                  This guidance describes how to use the MOVES emissions model to estimate CO emissions from transportation projects, including roadway intersections, highways, transit projects, parking lots and intermodal terminals.
                                Modeling Methodology for Predicting Pollutant Concentrations Near Roadway Intersections
                                  Intersection Model: CAL3QHC/CAL3QHCR
                                Transportation Conformity Guidance for Quantitative Hot-spot Analyses in PM 2.5 and PM10 – Guidance (Document)

                                Transportation Conformity Guidance for Quantitative Hot-spot Analyses in PM 2.5 and PM10 – Guidance (Appendices)

                                Transportation Conformity Regulations as of April 2012
                                  Transportation and Climate Division Office of Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – This document includes the current transportation conformity rulemakings promulgated by EPA as of April 2012.
                                Clean Air Act and Transportation Conformity Regulations
                                  The air quality provisions of the Clean Air Act as amended (42 USC Sections 7401-7671q) establish restrictions on emission reductions from transportation sources. Regulations governing transportation conformity are found in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR Parts 51 and 93).
                                CMAQ Program Guidance, November 17, 2008
                                  The MAP-21 provides just over $2.2 billion in CMAQ funding for each year of the authorization 2013 and 2014. While project eligibility remains basically the same, the legislation places considerable emphasis on diesel engine retrofits and other efforts that underscore the priority on reducing fine particle pollution (PM 2.5).
                                EPA State and Local Transportation Resources
                                  This web site provides guidance to state DOT’s including transportation conformity, Policy and Guidance, laws and regulations, air quality regulatory documents and rulemakings. You may also link to a comprehensive listing of EPA’s Federal Register Notices.
                                EPA Transportation Conformity
                                  This section provides access to information on EPA’s transportation conformity program. Transportation conformity is a Clean Air Act requirement that serves as a bridge to connect air quality and transportation planning activities.
                                Environmental Protection Agency / Notices
                                  Federal Register Notice of Availability / Vol. 75 No. 243: Official Release of the MOVES2010a and EMFAC2007 Motor Vehicle Emissions Models for Transportation Conformity Hot-Spot Analyses and Availability of Modeling Guidance (December 2010).
                                See Below for the Utah Department of Transportation Air Quality Working Group information for the Mountain View Corridor located in Western Salt Lake County.

                                Have a Question? Contact, Andrea Olson, andreaolson@utah.gov

                                Air Working Group

                                Air Working Group

                                This page contains agendas, notes, comments, definitions and links for members of the Air Working Group for the Mountain View Corridor.

                                AWG Documents and Reports

                              • AWG Lessons Learned ( June 2024)
                              • Granite School District Annual Reports
                              • Mountain View Corridor – Granite School District – Final Air Quality Monitoring Report (February 2023)
                              • Air Quality Monitoring Report and HVAC Upgrades Verification (May 2021)
                              • AWG Update/Info Flier (Winter 2021)

                              • Final Report:  Background Air Quality and Mitigation Strategies Near the Mountain View Corridor (August 2014)

                              • Tech Memo:  Classroom and Ambient Monitoring at Four Schools Near the Mountain View Corridor (November 2014)
                              • Definitions and Comments

                                AWG Meeting Minutes

                              • June 11, 2024
                              • November 16, 2023
                              • March 29, 2023
                              • December 12, 2022
                              • December 6, 2021
                              • September 21, 2021
                              • September 14, 2021
                              • June 14, 2021
                              • April 27, 2021
                              • October 6, 2020
                              • August 12, 2020
                              • December 11, 2019
                              • October 9, 2019
                              • August 29, 2019
                              • July 15, 2019
                              • January 16, 2019
                              • November 27, 2018
                              • October 23, 2018
                              • September 10, 2018
                              • July 18, 2018
                              • May 7, 2018
                              • March 6, 2018
                              • January 16, 2018
                              • December 18, 2017
                              • November 22, 2017
                              • November 7, 2017
                              • May 9, 2017
                              • October 20, 2015
                              • August 24, 2015
                              • June 22, 2015
                              • May 18, 2015
                              • April 13, 2015
                              • March 16, 2015
                              • February 9, 2015
                              • January 12, 2015
                              • November 18, 2014
                              • October 30, 2014
                              • August 11, 2014
                              • June 23, 2014
                              • March 31, 2014
                              • January 13, 2014
                              • December 18, 2013
                              • November 4, 2013
                              • October 14, 2013
                              • August 26, 2013
                              • July 22, 2013
                              • June 24, 2013
                              • April 30, 2013
                              • December 15, 2009
                              • December 1, 2009
                              • November 18, 2009
                              • October 28, 2009
                              • October 15, 2009
                              • Other Links, Studies and Documents

                                Cooperative Agreements with Granite School District

                              • Executed Agreement with Granite School District regarding AQ mitigation
                              • 8312_UT_Agree_Granite School District_179159_2017_0
                              • 8312_ut_Agree_Granite School District_179173
                              • Title VI and Planning

                                Title VI and Planning

                                Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed to prevent prejudice against individuals because of race, color, or national origin. Since its passing, other acts and executive orders have expanded prohibition of discrimination based on sex, age, disabilities, income, minority status, and English language proficiency.
                                  Not only does Title VI apply to specific projects funded by the federal government, it also applies to state agencies who receive federal funding. Therefore, UDOT is bound by Title VI in all aspects of its operations. This means that UDOT transportation projects completed with federal funds should not disproportionately affect (positively or negatively) any person. It also requires equal opportunity to participate in all UDOT planning activities, including long-range transportation planning.
                                    UDOT is committed to fulfilling federal mandates for Title VI and environmental justice throughout the planning process and project development phases of its work. To view more information regarding UDOT’s commitments to Title VI, as well as contact information for the UDOT Title VI coordinator or Americans with Disabilities coordinator, please contact UDOT or visit the UDOT website.
                                      Effective public involvement in the planning and project development process can alert state and local agencies about environmental justice concerns. Continuous interaction between community members, transportation and planning professionals, and decision-makers is critical to successfully identify and address potential environmental justice issues. UDOT takes seriously the responsibility of ensuring our transportation partners have public involvement procedures that provide an inclusive, representative, and equal opportunity for two-way communication while addressing environmental justice concerns.