Salt Lake, Summit and Tooele Counties (Region Two) Funding Opportunities
Transportation Alternatives (TAP) and Safe Sidewalk (SSW) Programs
Applications for both programs are due April 30, 2025.
Project selection is anticipated for July 1, 2025.
Design of projects may begin once agreements are executed.
Project MUST BE under construction within ONE YEAR of agreement execution
UDOT’s Region Two has received its allocation of TAP and SSW funds for fiscal year 2026. Region Two would like to partner with our local municipalities to build projects that benefit the public the most. Approved projects must be under construction within one year of the ratification date on the cooperative agreement or they may be canceled and the funds assigned to other projects.
- All projects will require a cooperative agreement between the local agency and UDOT.
- The local entity will be fully responsible for the design and construction of the project.
- UDOT will require an initial project schedule and updates regularly.
- UDOT will reimburse the local entity upon verified successful completion of the project.
- Only one project application will be selected from each municipality. (If you submit multiple applications, indicate your priority.)
- The participating city or county shall obtain environmental clearance and all right-of-way.
Applications for these projects should contain the following information, which will help the Department determine project priorities:
- A completed application with all data provided legibly.
- An engineer’s estimate for the anticipated work, with sufficient line items to identify the extent of the proposed project.
- A written description of why the proposed location should be considered and how the project benefits the public.
- Applicable photos and/or maps to show the extent, location, and need for the project.
- A proposed schedule showing the project milestones through to completion.
- If school children use the proposed route, provide the specific names of the schools and copies of the applicable Safe Routes plans.
Projects will require a cooperative agreement between the local agency and UDOT. This agreement will define the terms for transferring funds, provide for local matching funds, require the local agency to maintain the facility, require a certification of funds used, and ensure that the project was completed according to the approved plans and specifications.
It is anticipated that the construction of all awarded projects will be administered under the direction of the city/county. Once the project plans have been approved and a contractor is awarded Notice to Proceed (NTP), the city/county may proceed with construction. Funds will be distributed after construction and the entity’s request via an invoice from the city/county to UDOT.
If you have any questions concerning this process, please email Kevon Ogden,
Transportation Alternatives (TAP)
Eligible projects include:
- bike facilities (on and off-road)
- trails
- sidewalks (off-state routes)
- vehicle-caused wildlife mortality reductions
- Safe Routes to School
- other qualifying transportation alternative projects
*The local agency will need to maintain the facility once completed.
Region Two will consider contributing up to 60 percent of the project cost, with a maximum Department-paid cost of $250,000. Applications for projects with a higher dollar value will be accepted as long as the local entity is willing to pay the additional cost.
Safe Sidewalk (SSW)
Pedestrian safety project selection factors considered include the following:
- existing usable right-of-way
- crash history along the route
- average daily automobile traffic
- average daily pedestrian traffic
- proximity of schools along the route
- speed of automobile traffic
*Construction must be barrier-free to wheelchairs and meet all current state construction standards.
*Cities/Counties should have an ordinance requiring new developments to provide curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Requests from those having such ordinances will receive first consideration for funds.
A required 25 percent local match is part of the law. This match can be in the form of cash, labor, or materials and right-of-way acquisition. The conditions of the match will be described in the cooperative agreement that will be required upon award.
Region Two will consider contributing up to 75 percent of the project cost, with a maximum Department-paid cost of $200,000. Applications for projects with a higher dollar value will be accepted as long as the local entity is willing to pay the additional cost.