2. Business
  3. Public Entities & Local Governments
  4. Rural Public Transit Team

Rural Public Transit Team

UDOT’s Rural Public Transit (RPT) team promotes safe, sustainable, and barrier-free public transit throughout the rural parts of Utah. Aligning with UDOT’s mission to enhance quality of life through transportation the team:

  • Advocates for public transit by raising awareness, building partnerships, and improving customer service.
  • Supports the implementation of new technologies and information to leverage the effectiveness of rural public transit resources.
  • Leverages statewide transit resources by building relationships with stakeholder groups and by effectively sharing information.
  • Increases responsiveness as a team to changing public transit needs by emphasizing planning efforts and increasing awareness of trends affecting public transit.
  • Implements policies and procedures that support the distribution of transit funds to increase access to opportunity throughout the state of Utah.

Connect with the Rural Public Transit Team

Alana Spendlove
Rural Public Transit Program Manager

Becky Collins
Fixed-route/On-demand, Section 5311

Carlos Calbimonte
Specialized Transit, Section 5310

Noemi Sanchez
Federal Grants Manager

Andy Jensen
Federal Compliance Officer


The FFY2026 application period is now closed. If you have any questions about an application, please reach out to your client manager. Click here.

URSTA Conference & Roadeo 2025 will be held in St. George, UT, from September 10-13, 2025. Click here

Estimated Federal Fiscal Year 2026 Federal Transit Administration Funds for Eligible Rural Transit Agencies

Federal Transit Administration
Utah Department of Transportation
Program Year 2026

Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA )

ProgramNameProgram Amount (estimated)Program Area
5310Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities$450,141.09
Small Urban*
5311Formula Grants for Rural Areas$10,052,172.90Statewide
5339Bus and Bus Facilities$3,880,261.60Statewide
Small Urban
5304Planning Funds Various AmountsStatewide
*Small urban:Logan City and City of St. George
*Statewide:Outside of MPO Regions and Small Urban

Rural Public Transit Federal Programs

Looking for the Urban Transit Team? Click here.

Statewide Transit Planning FTA Program 5304

UDOT’s Statewide Transit Planning program (Section 5304) supports local and regional rural transit planning efforts by offering funding for relevant studies and plans. Funding is available at up to eighty percent (80%) of eligible expenses. Eligible applicants include Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Associations of Governments (AOGs), local government authorities, and operators of rural public transportation systems. UDOT’s Rural Public Transit team accepts planning grant applications at any time. Interested parties are required to complete an online application.

Alana Spendlove

Specialized Transportation for Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities FTA Program 5310

The goal of UDOT’s Specialized Transit programs are to provide additional aid to overcome barriers that seniors (aged 65 years or older) and Americans with disabilities face in seeking full participation in society and fundamental community services. The program seeks to expand mobility options to people with disabilities beyond the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals who are transportation-disadvantaged face different challenges in accessing services in their communities. Additionally, the geographic dispersion of transportation-disadvantaged populations creates challenges for human service programs hoping to deliver transportation for their clients.

FTA 5310 Program Circular

The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program utilizes federal funds for capital and operating projects that improve the mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities.
Eligible applicants include private non-profits and local public bodies. Eligible projects include the purchase of Human Service Vehicles, operating budgets, Mobility Managers, coordination and non-vehicle capital.

Carlos Calbimonte

FTA Program 5311 - Rural Public Transportation

This program provides capital, planning and operating assistance to states to support public transportation in rural areas with populations less than 50,000 where many residents often rely on public transit to reach their destinations. Federal law requires states to spend 15 percent of their Section 5311 apportionment “to carry out a program for the development and support of intercity bus transportation” unless the Governor certifies that the intercity bus service needs of the state are being adequately met relative to other rural transportation needs.

FTA 5311 Program Circular

The goal of the Section 5311 program (not including Intercity Bus) is to provide the following services to communities with population less than 50,000:
    a. Enhance the access of people in non-urbanized areas to health care, shopping, education, employment, public services, and recreation.

    b. Assist in the maintenance, development, improvement, and use of public transportation systems in non-urbanized areas.
    c. Encourage and facilitate the most efficient use of all transportation funds used to provide passenger transportation in non-urbanized areas through the coordination of programs and services.
    d. Assist in the development and support of intercity bus transportation.
    e. Provide for the participation of private transportation providers in non-urbanized transportation.
Eligible entities include the State or local governmental authority, a nonprofit organization, or an operator of public transportation or intercity bus service that receives federal transit program grant funds indirectly through a recipient.

Intercity bus service is a vital link between rural communities and the urban areas within the State as well as the rest of the nation. The goals of the Section 5311(f) Intercity Bus program are to:
    a. Support the connection between non-urbanized areas and the larger regional or national system of intercity bus service.

    b. Support the services to meet the intercity travel needs of residents in non-urbanized areas.
    c. Support the infrastructure of the intercity bus network through planning and marketing assistance and capital investment in facilities.
If intercity bus needs are met, the Governor must state so in a letter to FTA. Only then may funds be included (transferred) to the regional apportionment funds.

For purposes of Section 5311(f) only, FTA permits states to pass through funds to local public bodies and private nonprofit and for profit intercity bus providers. UDOT uses a merit based selection process to ensure that the private operator is qualified, will provide eligible service, can comply with Federal and State requirements, and is the best, or only, provider available to offer service at a fair and reasonable cost.

Becky Collins

FTA Program 5329 - Public Transportation Safety and Oversight

FTA Section 5329 provides funds for safety and oversight of rail transit safety.

Fact Sheet for Section 5329 (FAST Act)

The goal of the Section 5329 program is to implement and maintain a national public transportation safety program to improve the safety of all public transportation systems that receive federal funding.

Peter Jager, State Safety Oversight Program Manager

FTA Program 5339 - Bus and Bus Facilities

FTA Section 5339 provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities.

FTA 5339 Program Circular

The goal of the Section 5339 program is to improve bus and bus facilities by funding capital projects to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses, vans, and related equipment, and to construct bus-related facilities.

Becky Collins

FTA Dear Colleague Letters

Dear Colleague Letters provide additional guidance to states and subrecipients related to program circulars.

Dear Colleague

Civil Rights

UDOT’s Rural Public Transit (RPT) team makes every effort to ensure that no person is excluded from participation or denied the benefits of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) programs it administers. The team works closely with the office of Civil Rights to comply with all applicable non-discrimination laws as they relate to public transit.

To access the RPT Title VI Implementation plan, click here.

For additional information related to UDOT civil rights, click here.

For more information about FTA civil rights, click here.

Civil Rights Complaints

The RPT team works with its subrecipients to resolve civil rights complaints at the lowest level. If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, or disability and it has not been resolved directly with the rural transit provider, you may complete the UDOT Civil Rights Complaint form (Spanish version link).

Investigations into complaints regarding rural public transit are conducted by the RPT team. During the complaint investigation process, the RPT team analyzes the complainant’s allegations for possible deficiencies by the transit provider. For a full description of the Civil Rights Complaint procedures, click here (Spanish link).

Americans with Disabilities (ADA)

If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis a disability and it has not been resolved directly with the rural transit provider, please click here for a description of the ADA complaint disposition procedures (Spanish link).

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

Previous UDOT FTA DBE FY2021-2023 Goals and Methodology

UDOT is currently developing a three-year Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Methodology and associated goal for the Rural Public Transit team’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) program. Draft UDOT FTA DBE FY2024-2026 Goal and Methodology

Rural Public Transit Compliance

Rural Public Transit Training Resources

Training Resources

Rural Public Transit Plans and Studies

State Management Plan

Procurement Guide & Federal Clauses

The Procurement Guide is intended to assist UDOT’s Rural Public Transit Team and its subrecipients effectively execute procurements using federal funding. The current version of the guide includes a federal clause matrix and sample clause language. Since its publication, UDOT has updated the Clause Matrix and Required Certifications for Rolling Stock procurements. Please refer to these updated documents for required clauses and certifications.

Additionally, agencies needing federal clauses for their procurement documents can request clause packages from any member of the Rural Public Transit team.

2023 Rural Public Transit Procurement Guide

Intercity Bus Study

The Intercity Bus Study is a Federal Transit Administration program 5311(f) requirement. This study analyzes existing intercity and regional bus connections between rural areas and Utah’s key destinations, evaluates gaps and needs based on population and employment centers, and identifies implementation strategies to improve connectivity and access to services.
2024 Rural Public Transit Intercity Bus Study