Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program
School Zone Safety
One of the primary goals of the Traffic and Safety Division is to improve safety in the areas surrounding schools. To achieve this goal, division personnel are continually evaluating current safety levels in school zones. Additionally, a Safe Routes To School (SRTS) program has been implemented statewide. This program provides funding for both infrastructure improvements and educational programs to promote safe walking and bicycling to and from elementary, middle, and junior high schools. A key part of Utah’s SRTS program is the Safe Routes Utah Program.
The Traffic & Safety Division is also tasked with the responsibility of developing standards for traffic control devices in school zones for public roadways throughout Utah. Traffic control devices include signage and pavement markings. Guidelines can be found in Part 7 of the Utah MUTCD.
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program
There is growing concern in Utah and nationally about the safety of children who walk or bike to school. With increased traffic congestion around schools, students who choose to walk or bike have limited safe routes, which discourages this healthy activity.
To assist in addressing this public safety and health issue, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) provides Utah schools with walking and biking safety resources through the UDOT Safe Routes Utah Program, and the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program.
The main goal of the SRTS Program is to assist and encourage students living within 1.5-2 miles to safely walk or bike to school. Available funding can be used for both non-infrastructure (education and encouragement programs), and infrastructure (physical improvements – primarily new sidewalks, but also school pavement markings, signage, bicycle parking, etc.) type projects.
• November 6, 2023 – Call for applications
• Local UDOT Region Workshops (Note: You do not need to wait until workshops to ask questions. You can attend any workshop. Virtual aption available upon request.)
- Region 1 – 10:00 AM – November 29, 2023 – 166 W Southwell St., Ogden, UT 84404-4194 – Large Conference Room
- Region 2 – 2:00 PM – November 30, 2023 – 2010 South 2760 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84104 – Hurley Conference Room
- Region 3 – 11:00 AM – December 4, 2023 – 658 North 1500 West, Orem, UT 84057 – Conference Room A
- Region 4 – 3:00 PM – December 5, 2023 – 210 West 800 South, Richfield, UT 84701 Pahvant Conference Room
• December 15, 2023 – Applications due to UDOT by 5:00 PM (See the last page of this application or review guide for submittal process)
• December 29, 2023 – Applications distributed to Advisory Committee for review and scoring
• January 18, 2024 – Advisory Committee meets to select projects
• February 2, 2024 – Applicants notified of grant award
Previously Approved Applications
For questions, please contact Travis Evans, Active Transportation Safety Program Manager at or 916-215-8722.
Safe Routes Utah
Safe Routes Utah is replacing SNAP (Student Neighborhood Access Program). Utah Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes Utah is a fun and comprehensive program for walking and biking safely to school that engages and educates students, parents, school administrators, crossing guards and communities.
The primary goal of Safe Routes Utah is student safety while the secondary goal to help make the roads around schools safer. Under Utah law, all elementary, middle and junior high schools are required to create and distribute a Safe Routes Plan (formerly a SNAP Plan), which shows the safest routes to school. Safe Routes Utah provides free resources to assist schools in creating and distributing their Safe Routes Plan to students and parents, and it works to:
- Increase the safety and health of students
- Decrease traffic congestion around schools
For more information about Safe Routes Utah and free resources to educate and encourage students to walk and bike safely to school visit