Traffic Statistics

Traffic Statistics
Available Reports
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) – The total volume of vehicle traffic of a highway or road for a year divided by 365 days. It is meant to represent traffic on a typical day of the year.
The AADT reports and map are updated annually and are available in the summer/fall after the completed year.
- Google Earth Map – Click on the roadway sections colored in red, blue, and green to display the current and historical AADT. (NOTE: You must have Google Earth installed on your computer to view this map. Please click here to download a free copy of Google Earth Pro for Desktop.) Updated annually by August after the previous year has been completed.
- AADT History – Rounded and Unrounded AADT history for State and Federal-Aided roadways. Updated annually by August after the previous year has been completed.
- Truck Traffic – Unrounded AADT’s with Single Unit and Combination truck percentages for State routes only. Updated annually by August after the previous year has been completed.
Hourly Volumes from Continuous Count Station (CCS)
- CCS Hourly Volumes (1990-Present) – Google Sheet files that contain hourly volumes by lane. Updated annually within 6 weeks after the end each month.
Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT)
Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT) are a measure of the total amount of miles traveled in a year. This is calculated by taking Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and mile length for a specific section and summing them by all sections being used and reported for. A key point in Daily VMT is that it is the daily average, not yearly. For yearly averages of VMT (Annual VMT), the daily calculation is multiplied by 365.25.
- Historical VMT Dashboard – Annual VMT matching UDOT’s HPMS submission to FHWA. Data within the dashboard is reported by Year, Functional Class, and Ownership. Updated Annually by August after the previous year has completed.
- Annual VMT by County (Google Sheet) – Historical VMT and Cumulative Estimated VMT for the current year up to the present Month. Updated Monthly within 6 weeks after the end of each month.
For questions or additional information, contact us here. Use the subject “Traffic Data.”