Oversize Non-Divisible Load Provisions

Utah Administrative Rule R909-2-17
The Department may, at its discretion, authorize oversize permits exceeding the provisions of UCA 72-7-406 for non-divisible loads over approved routes.
Note: When operating under an oversize non-divisible permit and carrying a divisible load, the load may not exceed legal divisible dimensions (14′ high, 8’6″ wide, 53′ trailer). For instance when transporting a divisible load, such as lumber, on a 10’ wide trailer, the lumber is a divisible load and may not exceed 8’6”.
Carriers hauling boats and/or watercraft must comply with U.S. Federal Law regarding transportation of invasive species across state and international borders. U.S. Western States and Canadian Provinces have enacted legislation to reduce the spread of invasive aquatic species. Businesses and individuals can and have been cited for transporting boats into and through western states and provinces with invasive mussels attached, resulting in costly fines and significant delays.
For more information and regulations, two websites have been established. Call Before You Haul, and STD of the Sea (Utah Department of Natural Resources).
Transporting of a Vehicle and/or Load Exceeding:
- 17 feet in width on secondary (two-lane) routes
- 20 feet in width on interstates, or
- 17 feet 6 inches in height on all public highways
May be allowed under the following terms and conditions:
- Loads requiring regional authorization need to allow up to 14 days in advance of the movement to provide sufficient time to obtain Regional clearance and arrange employee/vehicle support. It is the permittee’s responsibility to obtain utility company authorizations/clearances and certified pilot escorts. The permit is not valid until all clearances are received.
- The permittee shall notify the Motor Carrier Division by submitting a permit application online of the dimensions of the oversize vehicle and/or load and the proposed route to be used. The Motor Carrier Division will notify the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) region or district permit officials affected by the proposed route, and will obtain their authorization for the move. If the UDOT Permit Officer requires a department employee and vehicle to accompany the move, the permittee must pay the cost.
- The cost to the permittee shall be $40.00, or the full cost of a department employee and vehicle, whichever is greater. Employee time shall be charged at actual rate plus expense and overtime. The permittee shall also pay any charges to move utility lines, traffic control devices or roadway appurtenances and for any damages caused by his operations.
- The permit may also require certified police escorts. Costs and scheduling shall be the responsibility of the permittee. Police escorts can be obtained by sending the Utah Highway Patrol a letter of understanding by email at: uhp_wle@utah.gov as soon as possible prior to the move.
- loads in excess of 175 feet in length MUST have a minimum of one police escort; all loads in excess of 200 feet in length will require a minimum of two police escorts.
When a vehicle or load requires a permit that has to be adjudicated the following process is followed:
- After the company submits a request for a permit, for vehicle or load that exceeds 17 feet in width or 17 feet 6 inches in height, through the Motor Carrier Online System the permit is placed in a permitting queue. A member of the Super load Team will then process the application.
- A Super load Team member will verify the route requested is safe for the load to travel, looking for any structures that might be too low for high loads and any construction sites it may impact. Loads exceeding 19’ high may be required to submit a route survey. When the route has been verified, a request will be sent to the corresponding region(s) the load will be traveling in. This request is sent to the Right of Way Permitting office in each region. The Right of Way office will check to ensure there are not any non-UDOT projects, such as utilities or other projects, that are going to be affected. This process may take up to 2 weeks.
- The Region(s) will reply by email back to the Super load Team indicating if the requested route is clear or indicate the location of a project that this load would interfere with. If there are no problems the permit will be issued by the Motor Carrier Specialist. If there are problems, then a reroute will be done to route around the project(s) then the permit will be issued.
49 CFR 393.11
Utah Administrative Rule R909-2-20
Utah Administrative Rule R909-2-17