Overweight Divisible Load Provisions

In circumstances where weight limitations are based on tire width, the manufacturer’s size, as indicated on the sidewall will be used to determine maximum tire width.
Example. Tire sidewall reads: 265 R 22. 265 is the metric width. To convert, multiply 265 by .04 which gives you 10.6. Your tire would be 10.6 inches wide.
An overweight divisible load permit may be issued for moving a combination of vehicles and loads exceeding the legal limits under the following conditions:
- The vehicle or combination of vehicles is properly registered for 78,001 to 80,000 pounds.
- The width of the vehicle does not exceed 8 feet 6 inches wide or 14’6” feet high.
- Configurations equipped with tires 11 inches wide or less will be allowed 450 pounds per inch of tire width.
- Configurations equipped with tires 11 inches wide or greater will be allowed 500 pounds per inch of tire width.
- All axles weighing more than 11,000 pounds are required to have at least four tires per axle.
- A tridem axle group that is designed for equalized weight distribution, equipped with single tires less than 14 inches in width, will be allowed 30,000 lbs.
- A tandem axle group that is designed for equalized weight distribution, equipped with single tires less than 14 inches in width, will be allowed 20,000 lbs.
- Dual or super single tires, that are 14 inches or greater, are required on all trailer axles.
- This does not apply to steering axles, self-steering variable load suspension (VLS)/retractable axles, or wide base single tires (14 inch or greater as indicated by the manufacturer’s sidewall rating).
The following options are available for all axles in a group:
- Dual tires on all axles
- Super wide single tires (14 inches wide or greater)
- Not to exceed 11,000 pounds per axle
- The axle, groups of axles, and GVW do not exceed the Utah bridge formula.
- The combination unit will conform to the bridge formula and the legal axle and gross vehicle weight limits.
- All axles in the group must be duals or super singles to be allowed maximum authorized weight.
- A divisible load permit may not be used to transport a non-divisible load.
Exception: an overweight non-divisible load may operate with a divisible overweight permit provided the axle, gross and bridge limitations do not exceed those specified on the permit.
Utah Administrative Rule R909-2-24
Vehicles transporting logs or poles from forest to sawmill are exempt from size, axle, weight, and load limitations:
- When the vehicle is not operated on an Interstate Highway or the Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET), which includes U.S. 191 (from AZ to I-70); U.S. 6, and all roads leading into or out of a military facility.
- When the gross vehicle weight does not exceed 80,000 pounds; and
- When the vehicle or combination of vehicles are in compliance with UCA 72-7-404(1).