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Bridge Management Manual

Bridge Management Manual

The Bridge Management Manual (BMM) has been developed to provide the Bridge Management staff and consultants with UDOT policies, procedures, and practices.  In general, Bridge Management focuses on the responsible management of the in service bridge inventory.  In addition, the BMM addresses the Structures Division’s emergency response plan and coordination with local governments.  All criteria presented in the BMM are expected to be met to help fulfill UDOT’s mission of providing a safe and efficient transportation system.

Please click on the icon to download the current Bridge Management Manual.

For convenience, the “Current BMM” includes the most recent full release of the written manual along with interim revisions to date in a single document.  Please verify that the copy includes the most current interim revisions. Previous published versions of the BMM, and BMM Revision Memoranda are provided below.

Bridge Management Manual

The BMM provides current policies and procedures for use in managing the in service bridge inventory.

Bridge Management Manual – October 2022
Interim revisions to the BMM between published editions are issued through BMM Revision Memoranda.

The previous version of the BMM (June 2017) is available for your information below.
The June 2017 BMM has been superseded by the October 2022 BMM and revisions.

Bridge Management Manual – June 2017

A document tracking the changes between the October 2022 BMM and the June 2017 BMM is provided for you below.

BMM – June 2017 to October 2022 – Tracked Changes

BMM Revision Memoranda

Revision Memoranda

A BMM Revision Memorandum establishes interim revisions to BMM policies, procedures, and practices. The Structures Division issues memoranda as needed to ensure that the BMM remains up to date and appropriately reflects changes in needs and requirements.

BMM Revision Memoranda are associated with the BMM version currently in publication.

Requirements detailed in the memoranda are effective and enforceable on the effective date listed in the memorandum.

Revision Title Effective Date
Initial Publication of October 2022 Bridge Management Manual
Structures Division Memorandum – BMM October 2022 October 17, 2022

Subscribe to the Department E-mail Notification List for Consultant Services to receive notice at time of distribution.

Bridge Inspection Documents

Load Rating Templates and Training Videos

Load Rating Templates

These load rating templates are provided to aid in load rating bridges as specified in Chapter 4 of the BMM. Templates are organized by structure type and are provided to facilitate efficient, consistent, and accurate load ratings. The links below connect to folders containing associated template materials.

Load Rating Training Videos

These videos are provided to assist with the development of models for the load rating of curved steel girders and structures governed by soil structure interaction. These videos have been recorded in the .wrf file format. To view the files please download a Webex Player from the makers of Webex.

Load Rating Training Video – Soil Structure Interaction Method
Recorded August 2016

Load Rating Training Video – Curved Steel Girders
Recorded August 2016

Helpful Links

Structures & Geotechnical Guidance and Manuals
Structures Division Comment Form