Transportation Education Program
The Transportation Technician Education Program (TEP) is a specialized career development program to help technicians improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities and to define how they can advance their career at UDOT. Below is a visual aid describing the program for your easy reference.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. If I complete all of the coursework early, can I get my raise sooner?
A. Your trainers and supervisors believe your experience on the job is as valuable as the structured coursework. The combination of both training and experience ensure you are competent to move to the phase or level.
Q. What happens if I don’t complete Level I, Phase I within the required six months?
A. Make sure you work closely with your trainer and supervisor during those first six months. If you do not quite make the deadlines they will be able to assess your progress and performance and make the necessary recommendations.
Q. What is the TEP Academy?
The TEP Academy is typically two weeks of intensive on-the-job training (OJT). Presently, the TEP Academy is being held within your local region due to concerns regarding COVID-19. Typically, TEP Academy is held at the UDOT Complex in Taylorsville with trainers and employees coming from all four regions to participate. Attendees receive an introduction to maintenance and construction concepts as well as intensive training on using snowplows, excavators, and etc.
Q. When is TEP Academy?
The Trans Tech Academy is held every six months (depending on current social restrictions) generally in the spring and fall. Please work with your trainer to determine the best timing for your attendance at the TEP Academy.
Q. What is Construction?
At UDOT, the construction and some maintenance of our roadways are accomplished by contractors. The work performed by the contractors must meet UDOT standards. As a Trans Tech working in construction, you will be designated as an Inspector and will ensure the new updated roads meet those standards.
Q. Can I select more than one specialty track?
Yes, additional training and knowledge benefits both you and the Department, however, you will receive only one 6% increase for completing a specialty track.
Q. How do I get to a Level III?
When you enter UDOT as a Trans Tech, you are considered a Trans Tech I. Upon completion of training requirements for Level 1-Phase III, you can be promoted to a Trans Tech II. The move to a Trans Tech III is a little different; you must apply for an open position, undergo the interview process, and be selected to a fill a Trans Tech III position. The move to a Trans Tech III comes with an 8% pay increase. To be eligible to apply for a Trans Tech III position, you must first complete all Trans Tech II requirements and complete at least one specialty track.
Q. What is OJT?
OJT refers to on-the-job training and involves working with a designee in your shed who has experience using the equipment and facilitating the identified processes. The training involves a checklist for the trainer to help ensure key topics are covered. This trainer will work with you until you feel comfortable and are able to achieve a level of competence with the equipment and/or process. Your supervisor will also ensure your level of competence meets requirements for your shed and will certify you have completed the training.