Studies give UDOT the opportunity to determine a project’s potential benefit or harm to the environment including cultural and natural resources.
An important component of a study is public involvement. This allows UDOT to inform members of the community about transportation needs, possible solutions and the benefits and impacts of those solutions. The study is also a means for UDOT to receive feedback from the community and to use this information in the decision making process.
We have included some highlighted studies below as well as information about completed studies. Information about all of UDOT’s studies can be found on the UDOT Projects Application.
Highlighted Studies
Current Studies
Cache County Davis County Iron County Morgan County Salt Lake County Summit County Utah County Wasatch County Washington County Weber County
Completed Studies
Box Elder County Cache County Carbon County
- Carbon County Emerging Area Study
- US-6 Capacity Project History
- US-6 Evaluation – 2014
- US-191 Freight Study South of Duchesne
- 1800 North Interchange
- 2000 W. (SR-108); 300 N. to 1800 N.
- Antelope Dr. Frontage Roads
- Antelope Dr. (SR-127); West Davis Corridor to 2000 W.
- I-15; Farmington to Salt Lake City
- I-84 / US-89 Interchange Study
- Shepard Ln. I-15 Interchange
- SR-193; 4500 W. to 3000 W.
- West Davis Corridor
- Juab County Transportation Master Plan
- Levan Transportation Master Plan
- Mona City Transportation Master Plan
- Nephi City Emerging Area Plan
- SR-132; Salt Creek Canyon Corridor Study
- 11400 S. Solutions Development Study
- 12600 South Study
- Bangerter Hwy. from 4100 S. to California Ave.
- Southbound I-215 Frontage Rd; 4100 S. to 4700 S.
- I-15; Farmington to Salt Lake City
- I-80 / State St. (US-89) Interchange
- Little Cottonwood Canyon
- Point of the Mountain Transit from Draper to Lehi
- U-111; 11800 S. to Herriman Pkwy.
- West Traverse Mountain Compatibility Study
- Naples City Transportation Master Plan
- Uintah Basin Rail
- Uintah County Active Transportation Plan
- US-40 Corridor Study
- Vernal Downtown Plan
- 1600 North in Orem
- 700 North in Lindon Small Area Plan
- 800 South Report in Payson
- Central Corridor Transit Study
- Cory B. Wride Memorial Hwy. (SR-73); Eagle Mountain to Saratoga Springs
- Elk Ridge City Transportation Master Plan
- Foothill Boulevard Corridor Study – 2018
- Geneva Road EIS – 2009
- I-15 Interchange Analysis – 2019
- I-15 Payson Main St. Interchange Study
- I-15 Springville / Spanish Fork Interchange
- I-15 Santaquin Corridor Traffic Study
- I-15 Santaquin Interchange
- Meadows Crossing
- North Lakeshore Area Study
- Northwest Utah County Transit Study
- Pleasant Grove Blvd. Interchange Improvements
- Pioneer Crossing Planning Study
- Point of the Mountain Transit from Draper to Lehi
- Regional Transportation Plan
- South Valley Transit Study
- SR-52; Mouth of Provo Canyon Safety Study
- SR-92 North Regional Traffic Study
- SR-92 Extension Study
- SR-164 Corridor Study
- US-6 Capacity Project History
- US-6 Evaluation – 2014
- US-6 Safety Study west of Santaquin
- US-6 Spanish Fork Fact Finding Study – 2017
- US-189 Environmental Impact Statement – 1989
- Utah County Regional Grid Study
- UVU Transportation Study
- Vineyard Connector State Environmental Study – 2008
- Vineyard Connector Alignment Study – 2019
- West Traverse Mountain Compatibility Study
- US-40 Corridor Study
- US-189 Environmental Impact Statement – 1989
- US-189 from the mouth of Provo Canyon to Heber
- Wasatch County Transit Study