Pavement Marking Projects and Studies

Pavement Markings are a high priority for UDOT. We are always looking for ways to improve the durability and reliability of the striping products on our roadways. We focus on new products and technologies with long term durability providing overall operational efficiency.
Listed below are details about projects and studies to improve pavement markings around Utah.
Projects and Studies
I-84 National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) Test Section

A total of 32 pavement marking evaluation test sections have been established on both asphalt and concrete surfaces along eastbound I-84 in Tremonton. Twelve different product manufacturers installed multiple pavement marking products equaling approximately 800 lines of striping, creating a “test section”. This “test section” is being utilized in a multi-year study with the goal of collecting condition data. The various products are evaluated on a bi-monthly basis checking their performance for durability, day and night colors, and dry and wet retroreflectivity. In conjunction with the product performance data UDOT is also including other available data for the area such as Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), percent of heavy vehicles, information on snowplow type/use and damage, amount of salt, daily and monthly average ambient temperature, and daily and monthly average precipitation.
Current Durable Pavement Striping Data Collection and Evaluation

Durable striping has an expected life cycle of equal to or greater than three years. This measure is based on retroreflectivity scores obtained twice a year. This project collects the retroreflectivity data each spring and fall from durable striping on the right edge line and the adjacent lane line using a mobile retroreflectivity unit. The data is being collected from 1,290 lane miles of major routes including I-15, I-84, I-215, Bangerter Highway, US-89, US-91 and several others. This retroreflectivity condition data will help over time in developing deterioration curves and performance measure target setting for statewide durable markings.
Wet/Dry Freeway Striping Data Collection and Evaluation

Striping retroreflectivity data is being collected each spring and fall on southbound I-15 between Draper and South Salt Lake. Measurements are taken for the following conditions:
- Dry
- Continuously Wet – similar to conditions during a rainstorm
- Wet Recovery – similar to conditions directly after a rainstorm and the road is wet
Urban Interstates Enhanced Freeway Striping Project

This project will initially consist of striping on I-15, I-80, I-84, I-215, SR-201, and Bangerter Highway. The striping will include enhanced pavement marking material such as 6-inch wide wet reflective tape with a black “tiger-tail” contrast design for white lane lines. This contrast method features 10-foot black lines installed behind the white lines for increased visibility on concrete surfaces.
For more information please visit the Enhanced Freeway Striping Map. It provides the ability to select various options, including:
- All Projects
- Current Projects
- Future Proposed Projects
Cold-Weather Waterborne Paint Evaluation

UDOT crews installed cold-weather paint on two higher elevation routes: SR-35 through Francis and Woodland in Summit County and SR-150 from Bear River Station to the Wyoming state line.
With help from UDOT’s Research Division, paint crews are evaluating the performance of this cold-weather paint. If successful, cold-weather paint will help extend the painting operation window by a month and a half because it can be placed at a temperature of 35 degrees and above. This additional time will allow our paint crews to stripe more roads.
Mobile Phone-based AI for Maintenance Asset Management

The UDOT Maintenance Division has championed a research project with the University of Utah to develop artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms capable of automatically detecting certain types of roadway assets, including pavement markings. The AI is able to observe these assets’ presence and condition using a mobile phone-based lightweight solution to facilitate auto-detection. The mobile phones would be attached to the windshield of UDOT vehicles. This would provide UDOT with a new solution for assessing roadway assets, like pavement markings, more frequently.
Glow in the Dark Paint Research

UDOT and the University of Utah investigated a potential alternative solution to existing paint based on “glow in the dark” luminescent phosphors. Researchers focused on improving photoluminescent paint in wet conditions by looking into additives. Their lab results showed significant improvement in water durability and a patent application was submitted. They also recommended further research into increasing the brightness and retention of brightness throughout the night before usage on roadways.
Wet Reflective Elements Research
This field-based research evaluation summarized the performance of continuous yellow and white edge lines and broken white lane lines in terms of retroreflectivity and number of treatments. The evaluation of wet conditions included readings from a dry state, transitioning through a continuous wetting phase, and back to a dry state. Measurements were taken using mobile and semi-mobile setups for dry conditions and wet conditions utilizing test sections installed on I-215 and SR-167 (Trappers Loop). The full report is available for download.
For more information about UDOT’s efforts to maintain and improve pavement markings please check out the following pages: