Manufactured/Mobile Homes
Utah Administrative Rule R909-2-27
The legal dimensions of mobile and manufactured homes when no oversize permit is required are:
- Width: 8’6″ (Safety appurtenances such as binder chains, clearance lights, rub rails, and load securing devices and other non-property carrying devices may extend up to 3 inches beyond the prescribed width on either side)
- Height: 14′
- Length: 45 feet. (Mobile/Manufactured home only)
- Overall Length: 65′ overall length (Mobile/Manufactured home and tow vehicle combination.)
When the legal dimensions are exceeded, an oversize permit is required. Any mobile/manufactured home with any eave in excess of 12 inches will be included in the overall width measurement.
- Width is measured horizontally (wall to wall) or actual structure that would include any protuberance on the mobile/manufactured home. Safety appurtenances such as binder chains, clearance lights, rub rails, load securing devices, and other non-property carrying devices may extend up to 3 inches beyond the prescribed width on either side. Eaves will be included in width measurement, but not in determination of whether a pilot car is needed until eaves exceed 12”.
- Height is measured vertically from level road surface to the highest point of the mobile/manufactured home when hitched to tow vehicle and ready for the road or loaded on semitrailer ready for the road.
- Length for a Mobile/Manufactured Home is measured horizontally from front of the trailer hitch to the rearmost protuberance on the mobile/manufactured home, or semi-trailer lowboy.
- Overall Length: 65′ combination of Mobile/Manufactured home and tow vehicle, Trailer-tow combination, or truck-trailer and semi-trailer lowboy, measured horizontally from the front bumper of the tow vehicle to the rearmost protuberance on the mobile/manufactured home, or semi-trailer lowboy.
Except as specified above, Mobile/Manufactured homes shall be transported in compliance with this chapter.
Mobile/Manufactured homes, moved on their own running gear, which exceed the legal dimensions, may be moved on any highways under authority of an overweight/oversize permit. Mobile/Manufactured homes to be moved on semi-trailer lowboys may be permitted.
For loads originating in Utah, a copy of the Tax Commission Movable Structure Tax Clearance/Moving Permit (TC-138) must be:
- Obtained from the County Assessor in the county from which the load originates.
- Affixed to the rear end of the mobile/manufactured home or moveable structure, and
- Be visible to any enforcement officer or agent.
- Proof of a TC-138 permit must be carried in the Mobile Home. UCA 41-1A-1320
- Proof of obtaining a TC-138 permit must be submitted, or presented prior to, or at the time of application. The oversize load permit will not be issued without proof of a TC-138 permit.