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  3. Consultant & Engineering Services Contracts
  4. Consultant Financial Screening

Consultant Financial Screening

Financial Screening

Financial Screening is required for firms interested in becoming eligible for Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Consultant Services contracts as prime or subconsultants, per 2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E (Cost Principles) and 48 CFR Part 31 (Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)).  Please contact Audrey R. D’Ambruoso at (401) 374-9254 or adambruoso@utah.gov with questions or inquiries regarding the financial screening process.

Consultants will need to be financially screened to the level required by the type of contract and services they will be performing.  A firm does not have to have an approved financial screening to be selected for a contract, but must have financial screening approval in order to have a contract awarded. 

The purpose of financial screening is to provide reasonable assurance that the consultant’s financial statements, presented Indirect Cost Rate (ICR), hourly billing rates, and direct costs comply with 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 31), and Utah Rule R907-66-8 (Consultant Financial Screening and Auditing).

Per Utah Administrative Rule R907-66-8 (Consultant Financial Screening and Auditing), consultants are required to submit their firm’s financial screening application (including all required supporting documents) within 90 days of their most recent fiscal year-end or 180 days if the Consultant submits a Certified Public Accountant Audit of the ICR.

The financial screening process consists of verification, risk assessment, desk review, and audit procedures as necessary to:

  • Accept a firm’s presented indirect cost rate(s), or
  • Recommend adjustments to presented rate(s) in order to accept compliant rate(s), or
  • Develop/provide rate(s) to new entities that do not have an existing financial history, or
  • Develop/assign acceptable rate(s) for non-compliant consultant presentations, or
  • Reject presented rate(s) when processes listed above do not result in reasonable assurance of compliance, or
  • Provide financial screening approval for firms that do not present/ require indirect cost rate(s).

UDOT Guidance on Coronavirus Legislation

In response to the Coronavirus Pandemic Legislation a number of federal laws were enacted to provide economic relief to individuals and business entities. The relief was received through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgiven loans, Employee Retention Credit, or other Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) Relief Programs.

The Department has revised the UDOT Guidance on Coronavirus Legislation v 4.27.23 which contains instructions for consultants, subconsultants, Project Managers, and other interested parties on how to address the federal and state requirements, including UDOT contracting and invoicing.

UDOT Guidance on Coronavirus Legislation – Consultant Training (Recorded 2023-04-13)