Consultant Insurance
Insurance Information
Utah’s Department of Transportation (UDOT) requires all prime consultants to have current insurance coverage before execution of a contract. Consultants must submit a compliant Acord 25 Certificate of Liability Insurance listing each type of required insurance to Any certificate that is submitted without the required information may delay the consultant’s insurance certification requirement and prevent execution of a contract.
Insurance must be maintained in force until all activities under contract with UDOT are completed and accepted by UDOT. If the minimum insurance coverage is insufficient for a specific project, UDOT may require a consultant to obtain additional insurance. The UDOT/Local Government (LG) Project Manager and the Consultant may use the Consultant Services Professional Liability Risk Assessment to assess additional insurance needs.
Refer to the links below to determine which types and policy coverage amounts are required and to see a sample Acord Insurance Certificate which contains all the required items that must be included on each compliant certificate.
Please contact with questions or inquiries regarding insurance requirements.