2. Operations Group
  3. Aeronautics Division
  4. Airport Planning

Airport Planning

The Airports Team works closely with the FAA, individual airports, engineer of records, local communities, and partner organizations to advance the vision and mission of the Division.

Airport Capital Improvement Program Life Cycle

Project Life Cycle

Long Range Planning

A healthy aviation system thrives in a true multi-modal transportation ecosystem. A transportation system that is integrated with aviation will produce unique opportunities for all modes; therefore, integrated aviation requires collaborative interdisciplinary planning. The product of this planning effort will inform short- and long-range planning efforts to ensure capital improvement decisions will achieve maximum return-on-investment. The primary tool used to facilitate comprehensive planning for the aviation system is the Utah Aviation Development Strategy. Within this strategy, the statewide airport system plan establishes a system-wide vision, baseline infrastructure and service requirements for a variety of Utah-specific airport roles, a gap analysis, and calculated capital improvement project recommendations to improve the overall health of the system. As a part of the Utah Aviation Development Strategy, an economic impact study of Utah’s airports serves as a guide to measuring the performance of our capital improvement decisions. Finally, a study of aviation-enabled economic development opportunities serves as a comprehensive source of information to local decision-makers to understand how off-airport economic development decisions may exploit aviation benefits in new and innovative ways. Updates or addendums to the Utah Aviation Development Strategy should be conducted every two years to evolve in our ever-changing economic environment continuously.
Individual Airport Master Plans and Airport Layout Plans (ALP) are also essential planning documents to guide local decisions and inform short-term planning decisions within the State Airport Capital Improvement Program. Master Plans and ALPs provide each airport with short-term needs assessments and long-term goals. Updates to Airport Layout Plans shall be updated per FAA grant assurances or every five years. Updates to Airport Master Plans should be conducted every 10-20 years to reflect the desired goals of the community and the statewide airport system plan.

Aviation Development Strategy POC – Clint Harper


Project Life Cycle – Coming Soon

  1. Long Range Planning
  2. Airport Capital Improvement Program
  3. Scoping
  4. Bidding
  5. Grants
  6. Construction
  7. Close Out

Resources – Coming Soon

  1. Pavement Management
  2. Airport Master Record – 5010
  3. UAS Imaging and Mapping
  4. Airport Management
  5. Community Integration

Aviation Development Strategy – Economic Impact Study

Click HERE to view the 2020 Aviation Economic Impact Study.

Click HERE to view the Individual Airport Studies.

Meet the Airports Team

Nick Holt – Economic Aviation Development Manager
Email:  nmholt@utah.gov
Phone: 435-590-0276-

Craig Ide, P.E. – NPIAS Asset Manager
Email: cide@utah.gov 
Phone: 801-715-2274

Nicole Zinger – Aviation Operations and Emergency Manager
Email:  nzinger@utah.gov
Phone: 801-803-3499