2. Operations Group
  3. Aeronautics Division
  4. Aeronautics Grants

Aeronautics Grants

Fly Utah Education Grant

The FLY UTAH education grant is a new annual funding opportunity to support the development of educational pathways in the field of aviation. The grant is open to all educational institutions, schools, and training facilities in the State of Utah with new or existing programs that prepare students for a career in aeronautics. Awardees will receive one-time funding for projects with a total of $150,000 to be allocated each year. The goal of this grant is to build Utah’s skilled workforce in aviation by aligning the efforts of education and industry and encourage students to engage in career development.

Please use the link below to access the application. Completed applications and any supporting documentation should be sent to Nicole Zinger at nzinger@utah.gov.


The submission window for 2024 has closed. Please check back next year for future grant opportunities!

Grant Process

  1. Open Application
    • The grant will be opened to all educational institutions, schools, and training facilities in the State of Utah with new or existing programs that prepare students for a career in aeronautics.
  2. Virtual Q&A Session
    • During the first week of the grant period, the Division of Aeronautics will host an online session to explain the application process and answer questions from the potential applicants.
  3. Close Application
    • After 45 days, applications will no longer be accepted and completed proposals will be compiled for scoring with our decision committee.
  4. Decision Committee
    • Members of the Aeronautics airports team, pilots, and mechanic leadership will be invited to score the applications and determine the impact each program will have on preparing a qualified workforce.
  5. Scoring and Decision
    • Using a standard scoring rubric, the committee will rate and comment on each proposal individually. Composite scores will determine which programs will be funded. Discussion can make adjustments to award amounts as needed.
  6. Notify Awardees and Allocate Funds
    • After approximately 2 weeks of scoring, selected programs will be informed and contact will be made with their financial representatives to allocate funding.


To be considered, all grant applications should include:

  • A program outline that is responsive to the aviation workforce needs in the State of Utah.
  • Includes a system of stackable credentials aimed at degree or certificate attainment.
  • The expected student enrollment, attainment, and job placement rates after 3 years of program operation.
  • Evidence of action or support of the Utah State Board of Education or Utah System of Higher Education.
  • Evidence of input and support from an industry partner of advisory group.
  • A funding request, including justification for the request.

Scoring Criteria:

  1. Partnerships
    • Shows connection between education/industry partners with clear responsibilities. Well-developed leadership and allocation of additional resources.
  2. Program
    • Structure of program is refined and implementation is clear to ensure success of students. Has Work-Based-Learning component or is working to develop one.
  3. Goals
    • Clear and detailed implementation outline including projected budget. Understanding of outcome measurements and potential barriers.
  4. Assets
    • Plan to mobilize additional resources from the community or partnership members. Equipped with tools outside of Fly Utah funding to support the program.

Allocation Process

  • Deadline to apply: June 12, 2025
  • $150,000 total available
  • On-time purchases only (i.e. simulators, flights, course materials)
  • Scoring team: (including but not limited to, Aviation Coalition, State Board of Education, Aeronautics Airports Team, Utah pilots, Utah Department of Workforces Services)
  • Applicants can submit every year
  • Liability is not covered within the grant
  • 2-3 weeks for scoring
  • $$$ allocated in October

Airport Revitalization Grant

The Utah Airport Revitalization grant is a new annual funding opportunity to support the visual aspect of airport facilities and grounds. The grant is open to all airports in the State of Utah. Awardees will receive funding on an agreed payment schedule based on selected projects. $200,000 is the total amount of funds the Division of Aeronautics has each year to be allocated. The goal of this grant is to support multiple small projects at airports while enhancing the airport’s visibility and aesthetic.

This grant does not take away or add to any existing (ACIP) Airport Capital Improvement Plans, or (ALP) Airport Layout Plans.