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  3. Consultant & Engineering Services Contracts
  4. Consultant Qualified Pools

Consultant Qualified Pools

Qualified Pools

Each pool is a list of prequalified consultants or contractors in specific work disciplines.

General Engineering (GE) Services Pool

The General Engineering Services Pool is a list of prequalified consultants in specific work disciplines. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and Local Governments (LG) may consider consultants in the General Engineering Services Pool for design and engineering-related service contracts.

Structural and Geotechnical Design and Management Support Services Pool

The Structural and Geotechnical Design and Management Support Services Pool is a list of prequalified consultants for the augmentation of UDOT Structures Division design staff for structural and geotechnical design and management support services contracts.

Right of Way (ROW) Acquisition Services Pool

The Right-of-Way Acquisition Services Pool is a list of prequalified consultants for right-of-way acquisition and acquisition-related service contracts.

Contractor Structural and Geotechnical Repairs Pool

The UDOT Contractor Structural and Geotechnical Repairs Pool is a list of prequalified contractors for bridge collisions, emergency repairs to structures, and geotechnical repairs. Contractors will be selected from the pool by the UDOT Structures Division based on project-specific bids. Services may range from a phase of needed work to the entire project. While the pool solicitation will be advertised through Consultant Services, specific contracts written from the pool will be processed through UDOT Construction. The selection method will be determined on a project-by-project basis dependent on the emergency status and level of risk of each situation.

Pool Proposal and Requalification Dates

The Pool Proposal Deadlines document outlines the submission schedule for the respective pool proposals and requalification certifications. Interim submission proposals are accepted for some pools by specific dates to allow Consultants to become qualified during the pool period. 

Request for Pool Letter of Qualifications (RPLOQ) Information & Forms

If a contract will exceed the Small Purchase threshold, UDOT or a Local Government may consider selecting a consultant from one of the qualified consultant pools using the RPLOQ Consultant Selection Process if the total contract value will not exceed the RPLOQ contract cap. The UDOT/LG Project Manager (PM) may shortlist and invite three to five consultants from the qualified consultant pool in the work discipline that corresponds with the project scope. Please see the Consultant Selection Matrix for thresholds and limits.

Requalification Certification

Pool consultants are required to submit a Requalification Certification Form (RCF) every 18 months within the pool period to stay listed as qualified for a work discipline without going through a new competitive procurement process.

Sign up for Email Notifications

To receive emails regarding advertised solicitations and other Consultant Services communication, subscribe to the Consultant Services Email Notification List.

Access to Qualified Consultant Pool Proposals

To request access to the successful proposals, please complete the Request for Access to the UDOT Qualified Proposals Google Drive form and select the appropriate UDOT qualified proposal folders you would like access granted for.

Access to RPLOQ Proposals

To request access to the successful proposals in response to RPLOQ’s over the past year, please complete the Request for Access to the UDOT Qualified Proposals Google Drive form. Access to Solicitation & RPLOQ Proposals and select the appropriate UDOT qualified proposal folders you would like access granted for.