Consultant Qualified Pools
Qualified Pools
Consultant Services administers and maintains four prequalified consultant pools. Each pool consists of consultants or contractors who have met the minimum qualifications required to provide services in specific work disciplines. Detailed information about each pool is available in the documents linked under the respective pool dropdown menus below.
Consultants from the prequalified pools are selected for contracts using one of two methods:
- Small Purchase Contracts
- Requests for Pool Letters of Qualifications (RPLOQ).
Please review the Consultant Selection Matrix for selection method thresholds and limits.
To remain qualified for a work discipline without undergoing a new competitive procurement process, consultants must submit a Requalification Certification Form (RCF) every 18 months. RCF forms for each pool are available under the corresponding pool dropdown menus.
2022-2025 General Engineering (GE) Services Pool (CURRENT)
2025-2030 General Engineering (GE) Services Pool (NEW)
2024-2028 Structural and Geotechnical Design and Management Support Services Pool
2024-2029 Right of Way (ROW) Acquisition Services Pool
2021-2026 Contractor, Structural, and Geotechnical Repairs Pool
Pool Proposal and Requalification Dates:

The Pool Proposal Deadlines document outlines the submission schedule for the respective pool proposals and requalification certifications. Interim submission proposals are accepted for some pools by specific dates to allow Consultants to become qualified during the pool period.
Access to Qualified Consultant Pool Proposals:

To gain access to successful pool proposals, please complete the Request for Access to the UDOT Qualified Proposals Google Drive form and select the relevant folders.
Request for Pool Letter of Qualifications (RPLOQ) Information & Forms
If a contract will exceed the Small Purchase threshold, the Department or a Local Government (LG) may consider selecting a consultant from one of the qualified consultant pools using the RPLOQ Consultant Selection Process if the total contract value will not exceed the RPLOQ contract cap. The Project Manager (PM) may shortlist and invite three to five consultants from the qualified consultant pool in the work discipline that corresponds with the project scope.
RPLOQ Information & Forms
Document: | Description: |
RPLOQ Selection Process | This document provides a detailed explanation of the RPLOQ Selection Process. |
RPLOQ Workflow | A visual overview of the RPLOQ workflow. |
RPLOQ Form | The Project Manager completes this form and submits it to Consultant Services for approval. |
RPLOQ Format Instructions | Solicitation Document which includes detailed instructions and evaluation criteria. |
RPLOQ Ranking Sheet | The Selection Team will use this to record the rankings and selection justification for internal records. |
Conflict of Interest & Confidentiality | All RPLOQ Selection Team members must sign this form and disclose any potential conflicts of interest. |
Proposal Cover Page | Each Pool Letter of Qualifications must include this signed and dated cover page as part of the proposal. |
Consultant Proposed Staffing Plan | This document is supplemental staffing information that can be included as part of the consultant’s Pool Letter of Qualifications. |
Access to RPLOQ Proposals:

To gain access to successful RPLOQ proposals, please complete the Request for Access to the UDOT Qualified Proposals Google Drive form and select the relevant folders.
Consultant Services Communication:
To receive emails regarding advertised solicitations and other Consultant Services communication, subscribe to the Consultant Services Email Notification List.
Contact Information
Primary Pool and RPLOQ Contact:
Gaye Hettrick ( – (801) 633-6213
Additional Pool Support:
Leslie Peterson ( – (801) 828-5554
Sara Memmott ( – (801) 787-3305