2. Business
  3. Consultant & Engineering Services Contracts
  4. Consultant Services Project Solicitations

Consultant Services Project Solicitations

Consultant Services Project Solicitations

A solicitation is the document used by Utah’s Department of transportation (UDOT) to obtain consultant proposals. Each solicitation outlines a detailed scope of work and project-specific criteria for service(s) being requested. In addition, specific formatting requirements for the proposal.    

Project Solicitation Advertisements

All Project Solicitation Advertisements are posted as Open Public Opportunities and can be viewed on UDOT’s Bonfire E-Procurement platform. Consultant Services requires proposal submission via Bonfire.  Please see the Consultant & Engineering Services Contracts Training webpage for additional information and instructions.

If there are any questions after reviewing the instructions, contact Consultant Services.

Consultant Selection Report

We have developed a Consultant Selection Report for contracts executed over the past year.

Sign up for Email Notifications

To receive emails regarding advertised solicitations and other Consultant Services communication, subscribe to the Consultant Services Email Notification List.

Access to Solicitation Proposals  

To request access to the successful proposals in response to Solicitations over the past year, please complete the Request for Access to the UDOT Qualified Proposals Google Drive form and select the appropriate UDOT qualified proposal folders you would like access granted for.