2. Business
  3. Design
  4. Traffic Modeling Guidelines

Traffic Modeling Guidelines

UDOT uses PTV VISSIM to simulate all modes of traffic operations at various stages of a project including concept, design and construction.  As PTV releases new versions of VISSIM, UDOT develops an updated base file for consultants to use.  These base files include custom vehicles and speed profiles appropriate specifically for Utah.  

The Department’s first Traffic Analysis Guideline is now available below.

Data References

  • Freeway PeMS (Point Data)Freeway PeMS provides public access to point data collected from UDOT’s Freeway TMS (loops, microloops and radar). Point data is good for anonymous volumes and speeds.
  • iPeMS/HERE (Probe Data) iPeMS provides access to statewide HERE probe data along any roadway classified as a major collector or higher. Probe data is good for anonymous speeds and travel times. UDOT’s contract agreement with HERE limits our ability to share this data with only those entities that are under current contract with UDOT or a Utah MPO for State work.
  • Occurrence Data UDOT Freeway Radar units are configured to collect anonymous speed data for each vehicle that crosses its path. This is known as “occurrence data” and can be pulled here.
  • Freeway Radar Vehicle Classes UDOT’s Freeway Radar units are configured to collect anonymous vehicle class data. This data can be found in Freeway PeMS under the station level reports here.
  • UDOT Planning Traffic Statistics UDOT Planning maintains a series of Continuous Count Stations statewide. These collect anonymous speeds, volumes and truck percentages. You can find this and other traffic statistics including AADT here.
  • Blyncsy Bluetooth Data Blyncsy provides bluetooth data for UDOT projects. Bluetooth data is good for anonymous speeds and travel times. Access to Blyncsy data is managed by Blyncsy.
  • HERE Probe OD Data on UPlan Spring 2017 anonymous HERE Probe Origin Destination data can be found here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions please contact:
Kelly Njord
Statewide Traffic Performance Engineer