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  3. Design
  4. Roadway Design

Roadway Design

Roadway Design

Roadway Design provides technical expertise to department and consultant designers.

Roadway Design Manuals

The Roadway Design Manual (RDM) defines the Department’s requirements for roadway design. The RDM consists of all sections shown below.

Contact Vaughn Nelson at vanelson@utah.gov or 801 910-2031 if you have questions about this manual.

Roadway Design Manual

Previous Roadway Design Manuals

Helpful Link:
Roadway Design Manual Revision Request Form

Roadway Design Manual, Drawings Revision Memoranda & Archives

A Roadway Design Manual Revision Memorandum establishes interim revisions to Roadway Design Manual policies, procedures, practices and technical requirements. The Preconstruction Division issues memoranda as needed to ensure that the Roadway Design Manual remains up to date and appropriately reflects changes in needs and requirements.
Revision Title Effective Date
Revisions to the Roadway Design Manual
Updated Project Certification Form (PDC), Limited use of Small Table of Contents (TOC) 8.5in X 11in plan sets, Change to Plan Sheet Development Standards Manual (PSDS), and Inclusion of proposed TC drawings for bike facilities September 29, 2022
UDOT Roadway Design Manual (RDM) Release Memorandum September 13, 2018
7th edition, Policy on Geometric Design Highways and Streets, 2018 (Green Book) June 4, 2019
Draft UDOT Roadway Design Manual (RDM) Drawings August 28, 2019
UDOT Roadway Design Manual (RDM) Release Memorandum September 30, 2019
Design Exception, Design Waiver, and Deviation from UDOT Standards Procedure Update October 3, 2019
UDOT Roadway Design Manual (RDM) Release Memorandum April 01, 2020
Federal Funding Eligibility of Roadside Hardware (MASH Compliance) April 15, 2020
Changes to milepost affecting projects July 01, 2021
Modified Roadway Design Manual (RDM), Design Manual (DM) Drawings, and Project Design Certification (PDC) Form October 13, 2021
Project Development 2022-1 Removal of A&D May 02, 2022
Revisions to the Drawings
Roadway Design Manual Drawings October 22, 2021
Previous Roadway Design Manual Drawings October 22, 2021
Roadway Design Manual Drawings.dgn files October 22, 2021
MOI August 2011 (WORD) August 2011
DDI Guidelines (pdf) June 2014
CFI Guidelines (pdf) July 2013
Previous versions of Roadway Design Related Documents

Project Design Certification Forms

UDOT CADD Workspace Support & Resources

This is your source for resources and information regarding Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) at UDOT.
Be sure to check back occasionally for new information and downloads.

UDOT Workspace Setup Request Form

UDOT Workspace Download

CADD E-mail Subscription
You can sign up for CADD-related e-mail to keep abreast of new material. To sign up for this service, use the following link:

Goes to UDOT E-mail Notification subscription page

UDOT CADD/ProjectWise Training

UDOT CADD/ProjectWise online training is available on the Web.

We now have several Online CADD training items available on the Web. These are interactive sessions that you may view at your own pace.

These are currently under development and we will be posting new items as we get them developed.

These will open in a new window:

UDOT Online Scan Ref Training

UDOT Online Title Block Updating Training

UDOT Online Working with MicroStation XM & V8i Training (Under construction).

CADD Downloads

The following useful downloads are available for developing CADD projects for UDOT.

CADD Standards Manual

This is the official guide to the use of CADD Standards available for use in developing CADD-based projects for UDOT (PDF). Effective date: June 2022

CADD Standards Manual (PDF, 398 KB)

Plan Sheet Development Standards

This is the official guide to aid in the production of consistent plan sheets for UDOT construction projects (PDF). The following links are for the manual and sample drawings.

Plan Sheet Development Standards Manual (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Plan Sheet Standards Sample Sheets (PDF, 18.2 MB)

Geo-Referencing Micro Station Seed File/DTY File

Instructions for setting up a project coordinate system in MicroStation. Effective date: December 8, 2014

Geo-Referencing MIcro Station Seed File/DTY File

Summary Sheets

MicroSoft Excel worksheets to merge into blank summary sheet drawings. Included in CADD Standards above. Effective date: April 21, 2010.

Geo-Referencing MIcro Station Seed File/DTY File

Barrier Summary Sheet

Concrete Summary Sheet

Delineator Summary Sheet

Drainage System Summary Sheet

Driveways Summary Sheet

Dust Control and Watering Summary Sheet

Earthwork Summary Sheet

Fencing Gate Summary Sheet

Generic Summary Sheet

Landscape Summary Sheet

Miscellaneous Summary Sheet

Pavement Cutting Summary Sheet

Pavement Marking Acrylic Summary Sheet

Pavement Marking Epoxy Summary Sheet

Pavement Marking Paint Summary Sheet

Pavement Marking Removal Summary Sheet

Pavement Marking Tape Summary Sheet

Pavement Sawing Summary Sheet

Pavement Culverts Summary Sheet

Relocation Summary Sheet

Removal Summary Sheet

Right of Way Markers Summary Sheet

Rotomilling Summary Sheet

Sign Schedule Summary Sheet

Summary Sheet Instruction

Surfacing PCCP Summary Sheet

Surfacing Summary Sheet

Temporary Erosion Control Summary Sheet

Temporary Fence Summary Sheet

Text Sizes for Typical Plotting Scales
Chart to simplify text sizes to be usd for various typical plotting scales based on 11×17 sheet size (PDF). Effective date: March 15, 2002 Text Scales

Summary Sheet Training Manual
Instructions for merging MicroSoft Excel worksheets into blank summary sheet drawings (PDF). Effective date: October 7, 2003 UDOT Summary Sheets Training

Digital Signatures
Instructions on digitally signing the advertising plan set with Adobe Acrobat (PDF Portfoliio). Effective date: May 2013 UDOT Plan Set Digital Signature Process

Committing Survey Data to Graphics
Information on how to commit survey data to graphics with Survey SelectCAD (PDF). Effective date: March 15, 2002 Commit Survey to Graphics

Local Government Project Title Sheet – CADD
Title Sheet in Adobe PDF format for Local Government projects. For information only. Effective date: October 5, 2009 (Under construction.)

Local Government Project Title Sheet – PDF
Title Sheet in Adobe PDF format for Local Government projects. For information only. Effective date: October 5, 2009 Title Sheet LG

Change Request Form
Form for submitting requests for changes to UDOT’s CADD Standards (Adobe .pdf). Effective date: February 12 2013. (Under construction.)

Digital Delivery

Digital Delivery with Model Based Design and Construction (MBDC) is the use and transfer of digital data in design, construction, and asset management. Digital Delivery with MBDC is not solely intended to eliminate plan sheets but rather deliver data in more directly consumable formats for project stakeholders.

Go to the Digital Delivery page for more information on UDOT’s current Digital Delivery and MBDC efforts.

Resurfacing, Restoration, Rehabilitation (3R) Standards

The design information found in the 3R Standards Manual is outdated and has been replaced by the Roadway Design Manual (RDM) and the Structures Design and Detailing Manual (SDDM).

If you have any questions about this document, contact:
Vaughn Nelson
Statewide Design Engineer
Email: vanelson@utah.gov
Mobile: 801-910-2031

Value Engineering

Value Engineering (VE) is a function-oriented technique that has proven to be an effective management tool for achieving improved design, construction, and cost-effectiveness in various transportation program elements.

Value Engineering Manual of Instructions

Value Engineering Manual

Related UDOT Standard and Supplemental Specifications

UDOT Policy and Procedure 08A4-1

Survey and Geomatics Manual

The Survey and Geomatics Manual replaces the Aerial and Photogrammetry Manual.

This is the primary source of information related to general surveying activities and resources at UDOT.

Survey and Geomatics Manual (updated March 27, 2017)

Utility Survey Requirements

Estimator's Corner

The Estimator’s Corner is designed to provide cost estimating guidance and support for project teams. 


UDOT_CCI Study_Reporting Dashboard

Concept Cost Estimate Spreadsheet

UDOT Construction Cost Index Projections

Quality Control/Quality Assurance Documentation

Additional Information

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
The State of Utah, and The Utah Department of Transportation, shall in no event be liable for any lost profits, and special, indirect or consequential damages to any party, arising out of or in connection with the use or the inability to use the data hereon or the services provided. The Utah Department of Transportation provides this data and its services as a convenience to it’s customers. Furthermore, The Utah Department of Transportation reserves the right to change, revise, or otherwise discontinue published data and/or these services at any time without further notice.

The Utah Reference Network (TURN) GPS Site

TURN GPS is a network of permanently located GPS receivers, installed across the state, through partnerships between Cities, Counties and State using equipment and facilities, to generate real time high accuracy GPS positioning. TURN GPS is used for a range of precision GPS applications including surveying, engineering, construction and GIS data collection. This is administered by the Utah Automated Geographic Reference Center (AGRC), and is available here:

Turn Website Please visit this site to see if it can meet your needs!

Additive Project Information

Contact Central Construction at 801-965-4344 for answers to Additive Bidding questions.

Guidelines for Using Additive Work Bidding

Additive Bid Table

Tied Projects Information

Contact Central Construction at 801-965-4344 for answers to Tied Projects questions.

Tied Projects Specification

Tied Projects Guidelines

Helpful links:

Standard Specifications

Link to M&P. This will bring you to the Project Advertising Tools page. Scroll down to Measurement & Payment.)

Engineer’s Esitmate Quick Start Guide

UDOT Additive Projects Post Bid Additional Funding Analysis

UDOT Library of Pay Items