2. Public
  3. Aircraft Registration

Aircraft Registration

If you’ve received a notice to renew or establish your Utah Aircraft Registration, welcome to the Utah Aeronautics Online Registration Portal!

Utah aircraft registration fees and payments are now handled exclusively online.

Please click below to access your aircraft registration account.

All airworthy aircraft which are based in or operate in the State of Utah for more than 180 days of the year are subject to aircraft registration fees.

State aircraft registration fees are due annually. Utah aircraft registration is in addition to registration with the FAA.

2025 registration will open October 1st, 2024, and fees are due by December 31st, 2024. Aircraft purchased partway through the year qualify for a prorated registration fee.

Aircraft registration fees are 0.4% of an aircraft’s Average Wholesale Value as published in the fall editions of the Aircraft Bluebook Price Digest in accordance with Utah Code Title 72-10-110. The Division of Aeronautics determines the correct registration fees for customers. All aircraft registrations include a $25 annual State Uniform Fee, as required by law.

Mailed checks are not accepted. Please do not mail checks.

Utah no longer issues aircraft registration decals. Registered aircraft will instead receive a registration certificate. Please print this certificate and keep it in your aircraft.

Utah aircraft registrations must be paid online using a credit card or e-check.

**To RENEW your State aircraft registration, please complete Steps 1, 5, 6, and 7.**

7 Steps to Register

  1. Login to your aircraft registration account. If you this is your first time accessing the portal, please click here to create an account. CREATE LOGIN
  2. Search for and then “Add” your FAA registered aircraft to your account under the Aircraft/Owner Information tab.
  3. Update owner address, email, phone number and billing info. 
    • NOTE: The FAA registered owner, address, and data are used for Utah certificates.
  4. Select your aircraft’s primary airport location and effective purchase and based dates.
  5. Review aircraft value, assessed Utah registration fees and $25 uniform fee. If required, submit an Agency Action for review. (For owners of multiple aircraft, repeat Steps 2 through 5.)
    • NOTE: The system tracks 3 years of registration. If you have recently purchased your aircraft or moved it to Utah you will need to create an Agency Action to drop previous years fees.
  6. Pay total fees with a credit card or e-check. Confirm transaction success.
  7. Print your Utah Aircraft Registration Certificate.

What Do Registration Fees Provide?

Registration and Uniform Fee payments are vital to maintaining and improving Utah’s aviation system. This funding is used to improve Utah’s public airports by funding airport capital improvement projects around the State!
    Click Here to view the UTAH FY 2025 ACIP project list.

General Information

What is a “Utah based” aircraft?
    An air-worthy aircraft in Utah for the cumulative majority of a year.
Newly Purchased Aircraft or Aircraft New to Utah?
    All new aircraft purchases, or aircraft newly based in Utah, qualify the first year, for prorated Utah registration fees.
    • Proration is based on the whole months remaining in the year.
    • The $25 State Uniform Fee is not eligible for proration.
    • Owners select the “Request for Agency Action” on the UDOT registration portal, using the category of either “Recently Purchased Aircraft/Change of Ownership” or
      “Newly Utah Based Aircraft”
    • Documentation is required.
    Operators must comply with Utah Code Title 72-10-110 before operating in Utah airspace.
Late Fee Penalties?
    Registration payments made after January 31 of each year may have fines of 10% for January and 5% of the registration fee for months after January, added to the bill.
Flight with non-compliant aircraft registration or unpaid State Uniform Fees?
    Registration fee violations may include seizure, a Class B Misdemeanor ($1,000 fine and up to 6 months in jail), and uniform fee violations. See the “State Code” drop down below to view applicable laws and penalties.
How do I pay for a Utah aircraft registration?
    Checks are not accepted and will be returned. Please do not mail checks. Utah aircraft registration can only be paid online using credit cards or e-checks. Click Here to get started.
What if I don’t have a credit card to use with the online payment program?
    Owners must use the online registration program to process their registration for a Utah Aircraft owners without a valid credit card must use an e-check for processing.
    Contact your financial institution if you do not have access to e-checks.
Where do I keep my Utah registration certificate?
    Current Utah registration certificates must be maintained with the operator (or in the aircraft) anytime the aircraft is in operation in Utah airspace.
What if my aircraft is not listed in the quarterly Aircraft Bluebook Price Digest?
    UDOT Aeronautics uses other industry-accepted standards to assess valuations.
    Aircraft without sufficient sales data are assessed the nominal $100 registration fee.
What if I’ve sold my aircraft?
    Sellers must complete and file an FAA Aircraft Bill of Sale form FAA Form AC 8050-2.
    Owners must also initiate an “Aircraft Owner Incorrect/Aircraft Sold” agency action to remove the aircraft from their account.
What if I’m a joint owner of a Utah based aircraft?
    The owner listed on the FAA Registration certificate is the responsible party.
    For a Utah registration certificate, a single online payment “In Full” must be submitted and it is up to the joint owners to determine a solution.
What if the aircraft’s FAA Air Worthiness Certificate is invalid?
    Aircraft that are (A) in the manufacture, construction, fabrication, assembly, or repair process; (B) are not complete; and (C) do not have a valid airworthiness certificate are exempt from annual registration fees, and must complete an “Aircraft Not Airworthy” agency action request on the Utah registration portal to have their fees waived.
What if my account says “Registration Pending?”
    This means that your aircraft’s valuation is pending. We try to complete all valuations as soon as possible, but if needed, please email us at aircraftregistration@utah.gov to request a valuation for your aircraft.
What if I:
    Qualify for a reduced rate category; or,

    Disagree with the Average Wholesale Value used in determining fees (Under Utah law, fees are computed in accordance with Utah Title 72-10-110.) or;
    Disagree with the penalties assessed or;
    Disagree with the decision of a previous Request for Agency Action or;
    Disagree for any other reason;
      Then owners must:
    For any of the above; owners must – initiate a “Request for Agency Action” and delay registration fee payment, until your case is decided. If your case is denied, Late Fee Penalties may be added to your account.

    Requests for Agency Action comply with Utah Administrative Rule R914-4 in accordance with Title 63G-(3), Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.

Reduced Rate Categories & Agency Actions

If an aircraft’s normally assessed registration fee requires an adjustment, or if your aircraft meets the qualifications to receive a reduced rate, please log in to your account in the Utah Aircraft Registration Portal and submit the applicable agency action (appeal). Documentation is required.

Please note, all registration fees include a $25 State Uniform Fee which is not eligible for proration or waiving.

Air Charter Services
    Aircraft that are used for Air Charter Services and/or are maintained on a Part 135 certificate, qualify for a lower registration fee calculated at 0.25% of the average wholesale value of the aircraft. To receive the lower rate please submit an “Air Charter” agency action and attach a copy of the Part 135 certificate. This certificate is required to receive the lower rate.
Medical Transport
    Aircraft used for emergency transport of patients greater than 95% of flight time pay a $100 annual registration fee.
Tax Exempt
    Eligible aircraft pay an annual fee of $100.00 and must be owned and confirmed as a Tax Exempt, 501(c)3 entity, with a current verification on the IRS portal at: apps.irs.gov/app/eos/.
Aircraft 60 Years Old or Older
    Owners pay the lessor of $100 or 0.4% of the average wholesale value as published in the Fall edition of Aircraft Bluebook Price Digest.
Aircraft Not Airworthy
    If your aircraft has recently become non-airworthy, you may suspend registration fees until it becomes airworthy again. Please note that once this action is completed, no other Agency Actions can be processed for this aircraft until it returns to airworthy condition.
Aircraft Newly Airworthy
    If your aircraft is now airworthy, it will be re-entered into inventory, and the registration fees will be automatically prorated for the current year.
Aircraft Out of State 6 Months
    For aircraft operating outside of Utah for more than six months of the year, registration fees are not required to be paid.
Aircraft Owner Incorrect/Aircraft Sold
    If you have sold an aircraft, please unlink it from your registration account. This will ensure that you will no longer receive any notifications related to its registration in the future.
Newly Utah Based Aircraft
    If you have recently relocated your aircraft to a Utah base, please enter the new base date to receive a prorated rate for the year it was moved.
Recently Purchased Aircraft/Change of Ownership
    If you have recently purchased a new aircraft, submit the purchase date to waive any previous years’ fees and receive a prorated registration amount.
Wholesale Value/Fees
    If you believe that the valuation of your aircraft is incorrect, or would like to submit a proposed value, please provide the necessary documentation.
    Aircraft not able to be valued by the Aeronautics Division are assessed an annual registration fee of $100.

Aircraft Not in Utah?

If you believe you have received a Utah aircraft registration notice in error, and do NOT already have an existing account with us, please complete the following form to request that your aircraft be removed from our based aircraft inventory.

If you have an existing account with us and received a renewal notice but are no longer the current owner of the aircraft, please login to your account and submit an “Aircraft Owner Incorrect / Aircraft Sold” agency action to remove the aircraft from your account. **Please note, if you submit the form below but the aircraft is still attached to your online account, you will continue to receive notices to register.**

Need to Update FAA Records?

Utah Aircraft Registration is still possible with pending or in-progress FAA changes.

Current FAA Owner Information/FAA Registry: https://registry.faa.gov/
    FAA Aircraft Registration Application: Click Here
FAA records are updated daily. For the latest document processing status, call (866) 762-9434.

After FAA updates are complete and published, owners simply reprint their Utah registration certificate with the new FAA data.

Sales and Use Tax for Utah Aircraft

The Utah State Tax Commission, Aircraft Division handles the sales and use tax for all Utah aircraft. For more information, please click the links below, or call them at (801) 297-4670.



State Code

Utah Aircraft Registration: Registration Fee Violations: Late Fee Penalties: Additional Utah Aeronautical Laws:

Kiera Allen
Aircraft Registration Program Manager
Email: kieraallen@utah.gov
Phone: 385-522-3821

Karly Worthen
Aircraft Registration Program Specialist
Email: karlyworthen@utah.gov
Phone: 385-522-3821

General Inquires: Please email us at aircraftregistration@utah.gov.