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  3. Operations Group
  4. Traffic and Safety Division

Traffic and Safety Division

All activities and programs led by the Traffic & Safety Division share one ultimate objective – to improve safety. The division is responsible for overseeing the research and programs that help improve transportation safety statewide. These responsibilities include safety improvement programs for work zones, school zones, traffic signals, and active transportation. Traffic & Safety personnel also supervise studies that determine the causes of crashes and other traffic hazards as well as discuss how these dangers can be minimized.

The programs administered by the Traffic & Safety Division are a service to the public. As you navigate through the various Traffic & Safety subtopics, you will see contact information listed. We value your input and encourage you to give us your comments or questions.

Patrick Cowley
Director of Traffic and Safety

801-965-4273, patrickcowley@utah.gov

Amusement Ride Safety

Rhett Arnell, Amusement Ride Safety Director
801-965-4284, rarnell@utah.gov

    The Amusement Ride Safety Committee was created in 2019 through House Bill 381: Amusement Ride Safety to establish safety standards for amusement rides in the State of Utah. Through direction of the Amusement Ride Safety Committee, UDOT shall certify qualified safety inspectors to perform annual in-person inspections of amusement rides; and require an owner-operator of an amusement ride to obtain an annual amusement ride permit for each ride. The Amusement Ride Safety Committee consists of 6 members, and meetings are open to the public.
      Instructions (google drive folder)
        Qualified Safety Inspector Application (external website)
          Owner/Operator Registration (external website)
            Permanent Amusement Ride Permit Application (external website)
              Mobile Amusement Ride Permit Application (external website)
                Certificate of Inspection and FYI Forms (google drive folder)
                  Qualified Amusement Inspectors (google doc)
                    Amusement Ride Safety Committee (external website)
                      List of Qualified Safety Inspectors (external website)
                        Public Meeting Notices (external website)

                        Design (State Furnished Materials, Signals, Lighting, Traffic Studies)

                        Adam Lough, Traffic & Safety Design Engineer
                        Signals, Traffic Studies, Lighting, Warehouse, Intersection Control Evaluation
                        801-718-4326, alough@utah.gov
                          Ming Jiang, Lighting Engineer
                          Highway/Street Lighting
                          385-232-0522, mjiang@utah.gov
                            Phil Pettersson, Signal Furnished Materials
                            801-419-1462, sfmaterials@utah.gov
                              Kristi Hayes, ITS State Furnished Materials
                              801-633-6416, atmsfurnished@utah.gov
                                Signal State Furnished Materials (Google Drive folder)
                                  ITS State Furnished Materials (Google Drive folder)
                                    Lighting (Google Drive folder)
                                      Signal and Lighting Design (Google Drive folder)
                                        Warranted Signals List (168 KB PDF)
                                          Traffic Signals Page (UDOT website)

                                          Operations (Signs, Barrier, Guardrail, Work Zones, MUTCD)

                                          Kelly Ash, Traffic and Safety Operations Engineer
                                          Design Exceptions, Safety Asset Management, MUTCD
                                          801-850-2449, kgash@utah.gov
                                            Clint McCleery, Barrier and Attenuation Specialist
                                            Barrier/Guardrail, End Treatments, Roadside Safety Hardware
                                            801-712-8685, cmccleery@utah.gov
                                              Jesse Sweeten, ADA Standards Engineer
                                              ADA Access, Pedestrian Ramps, Design Exceptions
                                              385-306-9982, jsweeten@utah.gov
                                                Michael Adams, Work Zone Safety Engineer
                                                Work Zone Safety, Flagging and TCM Training
                                                435-659-7790, michaeladams@utah.gov
                                                  Jonathan Harman, Data and Assets Manager
                                                  GIS Analysis, Asset Management, Inservice Performance Evaluation
                                                  385-245-8222, jharman@utah.gov
                                                    Dave Thomas, Standards & Innovation Manager
                                                    Signs, MUTCD
                                                    801-633-6241, davethomas@utah.gov
                                                      UDOT Device Eligibility (UDOT website)
                                                        IQP Crash Cushion Training (UDOT website)
                                                          Guardrail Installation Training (UDOT website)
                                                            Traffic Control Certification (UDOT website)
                                                              Highway Signs (Google Drive folder)
                                                                Roadside Safety (Barrier, Guardrail, End Treatments) (Google Drive folder)
                                                                  Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (36 MB PDF)
                                                                    Work Zone Safety (Google Drive folder)

                                                                    Pedestrian Safety / ADA / Active Transportation

                                                                    Travis Evans, Active Transportation Safety Manager
                                                                    Active Transportation, Safe Routes to School, Safe Sidewalks
                                                                    916-215-8722, travispevans@utah.gov
                                                                      Jesse Sweeten, ADA Standards Engineer
                                                                      ADA Access, Pedestrian Ramps, Design Exceptions
                                                                      385-306-9982, jsweeten@utah.gov
                                                                        Pedestrian Safety
                                                                          ADA Access

                                                                          Ropeway Safety

                                                                          Brian Allen, Ropeway Safety Engineer
                                                                          801-965-4766, brianallen@utah.gov

                                                                            A unique responsibility of the Traffic and Safety Division is to work with the Utah Passenger Ropeway Safety Committee to ensure the safety of passengers using aerial tramways, surface lifts, and tows. The focus is on ski-related equipment, but the committee also licenses other types of ropeways. Ropeways include aerial tramways, gondolas, chairlifts, t-bars, platter lifts, rope tows, conveyors and funiculars.
                                                                              Registered Ropeways (External Website)
                                                                                  Registration Instructions (Google Drive Document)
                                                                                    Approved Exception From Standards (Google Drive Folder)
                                                                                      Qualified Engineers (Google Drive Folder)
                                                                                        UDOT Ropeway Inspection Reports (Google Drive Folder)
                                                                                          Owner / Operator Registration (External Website)
                                                                                            Request for Exception (External Website)
                                                                                              Incident Report (External Website)
                                                                                                Ropeway Operation Safety Rules (External Website)
                                                                                                  Ropeway Safety Committee (External Website)
                                                                                                    Public Meeting Notices (External Website)

                                                                                                    Safety Programs / Crash Data

                                                                                                    Vacant, Safety Programs Engineer
                                                                                                      Brad Loveless, Safety Improvements Engineer
                                                                                                      801-940-2583, bloveless@utah.gov
                                                                                                        Elise Tanner, Crash Data and Analytics Manager
                                                                                                        385-566-9281, etanner@utah.gov
                                                                                                          Suyanka Neupaney, Data and Safety Manager
                                                                                                          318-243-9274, sneupaney@utah.gov
                                                                                                            Crash Data
                                                                                                            • Crash Mapping (external website)
                                                                                                            • Numetric (external website)
                                                                                                            • UDOT will provide login account access to Numetric for UDOT employees, employees of partner agencies and local municipalities, and consulting firms doing work for UDOT or partner agencies and/or local municipalities. Access may also provided for research work in traffic safety. To request access, send an email to crashstudies@utah.gov
                                                                                                            • Utah Highway Safety Office Crash Data (external website)
                                                                                                            • The Traffic Fatality Comparison summary at the link below shows monthly and cumulative fatal crash statistics for the most recent 5-year period
                                                                                                              Traffic Fatality Comparison Chart
                                                                                                            • In order for the public to obtain crash data about specific locations, a request must be made in accordance with the Government Records Access Management Act (GRAMA).
                                                                                                              GRAMA Requests (UDOT website)
                                                                                                            Highway Safety Projects and Programs Project Safety Analysis (previously OSR) Raised Median Toolkit (external website)

                                                                                                            Safety Standards and Training Website (external website)

                                                                                                            Roadway / Lane Departure Story Maps

                                                                                                            Statewide Safety Initiatives

                                                                                                            Kristen Hoschouer, Safety Outreach Administrator
                                                                                                            801-554-5049, khoschouer@utah.gov
                                                                                                              Statewide Safety Initiatives
                                                                                                                Utah Highway Safety Office (DPS) (external website)
                                                                                                                  Utah Strategic Highway Safety Plan (website)
                                                                                                                    Appendix A – SHSP Process (256KB PDF file)
                                                                                                                      Appendix B – SHSP Funding (242KB PDF file)
                                                                                                                        Appendix C – SHSP Committee Resolution Form (441KB PDF file)