UDOT Library

Library Services
Employees can access our digital library featuring mostly AASHTO publications, hosted on UDOT’s Learning Portal and also in Google Drive. Access to additional materials is available through Interlibrary Loan, in partnership with the Utah State Library and other lending libraries across the US. This service allows us to receive digital copies of journal articles within a day or two of request. Also, as part of UDOT’s Research and Innovation Division, employees may ask the library for assistance with literature searches.
A variety of free publication sources are linked in the Publications section below.
Contact the Librarian
About Lester Wire

Left: Replica of the first electric traffic signal; Center: Lester Wire, circa 1912; Right: Lester Wire with a later model of his invention
Lester Farnsworth Wire: Savior of the Highways (Biography by Edith Wire)
“He Invented the World’s First Traffic Light” (unknown magazine, 1956)
“Lester F. Wire Invents the Traffic Light” (Utah State Historical Society, reposted to FamilySearch)
“When Inventor’s Light Went On, Traffic Control Changed Forever” (Deseret News)
“Utah Policeman Never Got Credit for Inventing Contraption That Was the First Electric Traffic Light” (Salt Lake Tribune, 1985)
“Peak Named for Inventor” (Deseret News, 1967) [partial]
The World’s First Electric Traffic Light (postcard, 1965)
Online Resources
Utah Code
Utah Government Digital Library
Utah Government Digital Library
Searchable database of state agency publications. Maintained by the Utah State Library.
National Transportation Library
National Transportation Library
The NTL provides access to transportation-related research, reports, data, and reference services. Their Ask a Librarian feature allows patrons to submit research and reference requests and get answers via email, chat, or phone.
ROSA P (Repository and Open Science Access Portal)
NTL’s Digital Library. This is an excellent resource for transportation statistics on a variety of topics.
Digital Library
The digital library is comprised mainly of complimentary publications released by AASHTO along with those we have purchased. You can browse the AASHTO Bookstore for other available publications. If you need an AASHTO publication that is not in our digital library, please contact the librarian to see if funds are available to buy it. Making one purchase for the library instead of multiple purchases of the same item for different groups in UDOT saves money. Join the AASHTO publications mailing list to receive their catalog and alerts about new releases.
We also have a few UDOT, FHWA (i.e., the current MUTCD), ITE, and TRB publications available in the digital library.
NCHRP Reports
Search TRID for a Publication
TRID is a comprehensive database resource for transportation research and literature searches.
Transportation Industry Magazines
Intelligent Transport

ITS International

Public Roads (published by USDOT/FHWA)

Roads & Bridges