2. About Us
  3. Project Development Division
  4. Contracting Services Division

Contracting Services Division

The Contracting Services Division is comprised of Construction Contracts, Alternative Delivery and Consultant Services.

The Alternative Delivery Division is responsible for the procurement and administration of alternative contracting methods primarily Design Build (DB), Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC), and Progressive Design Build (PDB) delivered projects.

Stacy Frandsen
Contract, Compliance and Certification Manager
Email: sfrandsen@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4344
Cell: (385) 277-9449

Tina Halterman
Administrative Secretary
Email: thalterman@utah.gov
Office: (801)965-4208
Cell: (760) 977-8462

Codee Raymond
Alternative Delivery Engineer
Email: craymond@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 887-3709

Gaye Hettrick
Consultant Services Manager
Email: ghettrick@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 633-6213

Contracting Services Contact Information

Construction Contracts and Compliance

Contact Information:

Amber Routson
Contracts and Compliance Specialist
Email: amberroutson@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 965-4108

Jacquie Cardona
Registration Specialist & Senior Business Analyst
Email: jcardona1@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 965-3835

Vicki Hanshew
Plans & Contracts Technician
Email: vhanshew@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4635

Judy Romrell
Email: jromrell@utah.gov
Office: (801) 870-2563

Jessica McIntyre
Project Compliance Support Specialist
Email: jmcintyre@utah.gov
Office: (385) 224-9121

Sherr Miller
Contract Compliance Support Specialist
Email: sjmiller@utah.gov
Office: (801) 664-3602

Janette Barker
Project Closeout Specialist
Email: janettebarker@utah.gov
Office: (801) 671-2938

Alternative Delivery

Contact Information:

Deni Archuletta
Alternative Delivery Transportation Manager
Email: darchuletta@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 505-3612

Michael Evans
Alternative Delivery Transportation Project Manager
Email: michaeljevans@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 887-3709

Consultant Services

Consultant Services is responsible for the procurement and administration of design and professional services necessary for UDOT programs and projects.

Contact Information:

Leslie Peterson
Consultant Services Supervisor
Email: lpeterson@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 828-5554

Sara Memmott
Contract Administrator
Email: saramemmott@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 787-3305

Sabrina Beatty
Contract Administrator
Email: sbeatty@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 879-4304

Camber Wilkey
Purchasing Coordinator
Email: cwilkey@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 885-9177

Audrey D’Ambruoso
Financial Screening Analyst
Email: adambruoso@utah.gov
Cell: (401) 374-9254

Lee Brumble
Auditor III
Email: leebrumble@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 633-7801

Doing Business

Construction Management
Contractor Resources
Alternative Delivery
Consultant Services