2. About Us
  3. Project Development Division
  4. Right-of-Way Division

Right-of-Way Division

The Right-of-Way Division is divided into two teams: Acquisition Services and Property Management.

The Acquisition Services Team is responsible for acquiring property needed for highway projects. This complex process involves working with other Divisions to identify property needed for projects, identifying the owner(s) of those properties, having the properties valued, reviewing those valuations to determine just compensation, and making an offer to purchase the property from the landowner(s). Negotiations follow, which can run a wide range of outcomes, from real estate purchase contracts to occupancy agreements to litigation. Relocation assistance is also available to property owners that are displaced as a result of a project.

The Property Management Team manages a variety of responsibilities once the property has been acquired, ranging from the removal of structures and other improvements so a project can proceed, to the leasing of land and buildings after a project is completed. Property Management during the pre-construction phase of a project involves the clearance of structures, other improvements, pests, and hazardous materials from acquired properties.  Following a project, the Property Management Team ensures that the public’s assets are preserved, protected, and utilized to serve transportation needs.  This includes permitting activities to ensure encroachments do not threaten public transportation systems, controlling access to ensure the safe operation of our highways, disposing of excess land that is not needed for current or future projects, and managing property that is being held for future transportation projects.

Each Team works hard in a variety of areas to manage the Department’s real estate needs. 

Right of Way Division Contacts

Ross Crowe
Director of Right of Way
Email: rcrowe@utah.gov
Cell: (213) 445-5200

ROW Administrative Secretary

Shirleen Hancock
ROW Process & Innovations Manager
Email: shirleenhancock@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4438

Kim O’Reilly
Deputy Director of Acquisition Services
Email: koreilly@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4742
Cell: (801) 597-7251

Darek Sagers
Deputy Director of Property Management
Email: dsagers@utah.gov
Cell: (385) 315-2314

Right of Way Acquisition & Delivery Services

Kim O’Reilly
Deputy Director of Acquisition Services
Email: koreilly@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4742
Cell: (801) 597-7251

Eric Lyon
ROW Lead Agent
Email: elyon@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4213
Cell: (801) 633-6247

Ray Bennett
ROW Lead Agent
Email: raymondbennett@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 633-6245

Amy McKennon
ROW Lead Agent
Email: amckennon@utah.gov
Office: (801) 964-4564
Cell: (385) 326-9111

Marcus Volk
ROW Lead Agent
Email: mvolk@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4023
Cell: (360) 481-4449

Olga Crump
ROW Lead Agent
Email: ocrump@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4203
Cell: (801) 809-0544

Cali Bastow
ROW Lead Agent
Email: cbastow@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4564
Cell: (801) 707-8332

Michael Rieske
ROW Lead Agent
Email: mrieske@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 414-9024

Jolene Ottley
Local Government Program Manager
Email: joleneottley@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4217
Cell: (801) 664-3361

Mone Daley
Title & Closing Agent
Email: rmwardle@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 633-0515

Property Management Services

Darek Sagers
Deputy Director of Property Management
Email: dsagers@utah.gov
Cell: (385) 315-2314

Property Management
Diana Leka
Corridor Preservation/Property Mgmt Program Manager
Email: dleka@utah.gov
Office: (801) 964-4462
Cell: (801) 413-8855

Shelly Peterson
Corridor Preservation Lead Agent
Email: slpeterson@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 913-3702

Shirley Perez
GIS Program Manager
Email: sdperez@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 830-7137

Brian Fleury
Property Inventory Senior GIS Analyst
Email: bfleury@utah.gov
Cell: (607)376-1041

Surplus Property
Deryl Davis
Surplus Program Manager
Email: ddavis@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4701
Cell: (385) 222-6664

Mike Timothy
Surplus Program Manager
Email: mtimothy@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4482
Cell: (801) 633-9667

Susan Parker
Operation Program Manager
Email: skparker@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 633-8608

David Mower
Statewide Permits Officer
Email: dmower@utah.gov
Office: (801) 965-4166
Cell: (385) 522-9525

Brandon Hyatt
Statewide Permits Officer
Email: bhyatt@utah.gov
Cell: (801) 633-2540

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