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  3. Project Development Division
  4. Structures Division

Structures Division

Welcome to the Structures Division

The Structures Division is comprised of Bridge Management, Structures Design and Geotechnical Design. Bridge Management focuses on the responsible management of the in service bridge inventory. Structures Design and Geotechnical Design focus on project delivery. The Structures Division aligns activities to support the Department Strategic Direction and reports on performance. The Structures Division receives funding each year to support the Bridge Programs.

Contact Information

Cheryl Hersh Simmons
Chief Structural Engineer
Cell: (801) 557-7846

Tory Martin
Administrative Secretary
Office: (801) 965-4188 Cell: (801) 647-0281

Physical Address:
4501 South 2700 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84129

Mailing Address:
PO Box 148470, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-8470

Emergency Response Contact

To report an accident involving a bridge or other structure, contact:

Rebecca Nix
Bridge Management Engineer
(801) 633-2810

Bridge Management Information and Contacts

Bridge Management provides data to support structure project prioritization for preservation, maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement, and emergency services to ensure the safety of the traveling public.
Bridge Management inspects, monitors, reports and effectively manages the structure inventory for a safe, reliable transportation system.

Contact Information

Rebecca Nix
Bridge Management Engineer
(801) 633-2810

Structures Design Information and Contacts


Structures Design produces safe, high quality, and economical structural designs for preservation, rehabilitation and replacement projects through efficient, timely communication, innovation, technical expertise and professionalism.


Structures Design provides structural engineering services, manages structure design and construction, and establishes and maintains structural design criteria and standards to ensure a safe, economical and reliable transportation system.

Contact Information

Mark Daniels

Structures Design Manager
(801) 513-3548

Geotechnical Design Information and Contacts

Objectives Geotechnical Design produces safe, high quality, and economical geotechnical designs for foundations, retaining walls, landslides, soil and slope stability, and rock falls through efficient, timely communication, and technical expertise.
Initiatives Geotechnical Design provides geotechnical engineering services including investigation and testing, and establishes and maintains geotechnical design criteria and standards to ensure a safe, economical and reliable transportation system.
Contact Information

Geotechnical Design Manager

Bret DeBernardi
Geotechnical Engineer
(801) 661-7517

Grant Gummow
Geotechnical Engineer
(801) 633-1405

Ari Menitove
Geological Engineer
(801) 631-5973

Darin Sjoblom
Geotechnical Engineer
Cell: (801) 633-6237
Office: (801) 964-4474

Ken Staker
Lab Technician
(801) 403-0796

For Information on Locally Owned Structures

Local agencies may request information on locally owned structures by following the link below:

Structure Plans and Reports Request

Bridge Program Overview

February 2025

The list of Upcoming Bridge Construction Projects is a quarterly snapshot of the Structures Division’s best estimate of when bridge projects will be advertising. All information provided is considered “For Information Only” and is subject to change at any time.

The linked spreadsheet may be downloaded for your convenience.

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Information

Bridge Replacement, Rehabilitation & Preservation Program

Spring 2023 Fact Sheet

STIP Program Allocations
2024 Allocations – Structures Breakout

Current List of Projects (Proposed and Commission Approved)
STIP Workshop Application
To filter the list to Structures projects, select “Structures” from the “Programs” drop-down menu in the top left of the STIP Workshop Application window.

Bridge Inventory Dashboard and Annual Reports

The Bridge Inventory Dashboard provides a quick reference to key facts about the overall bridge inventory in Utah, the condition of the inventory, and ongoing bridge programs that address important objectives of the Structures Division.

A preview of the dashboard is shown below. Click HERE to view the dashboard in a new window.

Bridge inventory data from 2021 and earlier is available using the links below.

Bridge Formula Program

The Bridge Formula Program (BFP) provides the opportunity for funding the replacement, rehabilitation, and preservation of bridges on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) to address deficiencies due to aging and deterioration as well as operational restrictions like load postings.

Click HERE to connect to the Bridge Formula Program Dashboard which provides a summary of the current state of the program.

Structures & Geotechnical Guidance and Manuals
UDOT Strategic Direction
Structures & Geotechnical Events
Structures Division Comment Form

How Can We Serve You Better? Send an e-mail with your comments relating to Structure Design business or web content to Tory Martin at torymartin@utah.gov