Strategic Investments Division

Strategic Investments
Lyle McMillan
Strategic Investments Director
State Infrastructure Bank
The State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loan Fund provides loans and assistance to improve transportation infrastructure in the State of Utah. For more information please visit the SIB webpage.
Electric Vehicles
There has been a significant acceleration of efforts to convert the light duty surface transportation sector to alternative fuel vehicles. To ensure that Utah is prepared for this change UDOT was asked to develop a statewide electric vehicle charging plan. The plan is available for download below.
- Utah Statewide EV Charging Plan (3.5MB PDF File)
Utah NEVI Program
On September 14, 2022, Utah’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) deployment Plan was approved by the federal Joint Office.
The first phase will be a competitive grant program to provide potential private/public partners, with matching funds, an opportunity to become electric vehicle charging providers in site areas identified in the plan. The site areas identified in the plan are along Utah’s interstates and previously nominated alternative fuel corridors.
The current draft of UDOT’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Grant Program, can be viewed here. UDOT is currently awaiting the release of the final NEVI regulations and a determination regarding the Buy America waiver from FHWA before advertising UDOT’s NEVI Grant Program.