2. About Us
  3. Technology and Innovation Group
  4. Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Division

Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Division

FHWA defines Transportation Performance Management (TPM) as a strategic approach that uses system information to make investment and policy decisions to achieve national performance goals.

The UDOT TPM Division works with all divisions and groups across the Department to improve decision making, communication, and processes at all levels. Asset management is the application of TPM as the approach to managing our transportation system. Performance management provides targets and measures of progress for improved decision making. TPM ensures that all investments are performance-driven and outcome based.

Transportation Performance Management Team

Transportation Performance Management Org Chart

(Vacant) Transportation Performance Management Director

Ryan Bailey, Performance Management Program Manager rbailey@utah.gov; 801-227-4135

Lauren Cabrera, HPMS Coordinator lcabrera@utah.gov; 609-576-6961

Nicolas Black Traffic Data Analytics Manager nfblack@utah.gov; 801-215-5274

Chris Whipple, Asset Management Program Manager

Ruel (Rudy) Alder Asset Risk Management Program Manager Manager ralder@utah.gov; 801-965-4796

Ben Maughan, Asset Data Analytics Manager bbmaughan@utah.gov; 801-800-5087

Tim Predmore, Asset Management Data Scientist tpredmore@utah.gov; 484-666-1975

TPM Programs

Enterprise Risk Management: To learn more about UDOT’s data-driven, model-based approach to evaluating extreme weather risks to our roadway assets, click here.

We aid in the development and evaluation of performance measures to effectively support the department’s goals and strategies. To learn more, click here.

Click here to learn about UDOT’s effective and systematic process for operating, maintaining, upgrading, and expanding its physical assets throughout their lifecycle.

Annual Statistical Summary (2024)