Outdoor Advertising Control
All off-premise outdoor advertising displays along state routes must have a UDOT Outdoor Advertising Permit. This website will assist sign owners with the submission of the various Outdoor Advertising permit applications.
The Outdoor Advertising Control Program is tied to Utah Administrative Rules and follow the Department’s Strategic Goals of:
- Zero Crashes, Injuries, Fatalities
- Optimizing Mobility
- Preserving Infrastructure
Outdoor Advertising Control Program Overview
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Outdoor Advertising Control Program (OAC) regulates off-premise outdoor advertising displays along state routes. The basis for this regulation is found within the Federal Highway Beautification Act and the State of Utah Outdoor Advertising Act. All off-premise outdoor advertising displays located along state routes must have a UDOT OAC Permit and must meet standards for sizing, lighting, spacing, and zoning. These signs may only be erected and maintained within areas zoned commercial or industrial areas.
What is Off-premise Advertising?
Off-Premise Advertising means an outdoor advertising sign that advertises an activity, service, event, person or product that is located on premises other than the premises at which the activity or service occurs or product is sold or manufactured.
Application Submissions
Prior to the construction of a new sign, alteration or modification of an existing sign or at the completion a permit ownership transfer for a sign along a state route, a sign owner must submit an application to the UDOT Outdoor Advertising Control Program for approval. All Outdoor Advertising Applications must be submitted to the Outdoor Advertising Control Program using the Online Permit System. See the Outdoor Advertising Control Applications tab.
OAC Inventory Map
UDOT has created a versatile mapping system to aid the public and stakeholders with the identification of state routes, permitted outdoor advertising displays, milepost markers, and regional layers. In 2014 this innovative mapping system won the National Alliance of Highway Beautification Agencies Award of Excellence for Streamlining and Integration in Outdoor Advertising Control. This map can be accessed under the Outdoor Advertising Control Helpful Links tab below.
Outdoor Advertising Control Applications
All Off-premise advertising displays that are visible to state controlled routes are required to have a UDOT OAC permit. Prior to the construction of a new sign, alteration or modification of an existing sign or at the completion a permit ownership transfer for a sign along a state route, a sign owner must submit an application to the UDOT Outdoor Advertising Control Program for approval. All Outdoor Advertising Applications must be submitted to the Outdoor Advertising Control Program using the Online Permit System.
The following application types are available:
Applicants wishing to construct a new sign structure use this application. A non-refundable Application Processing fee of $950.00 must be submitted with the application. Department approval must be obtained before any construction is begun.
Sign owners who desire to alter, modify or relocate an existing sign structure use this application. A non-refundable Application Processing fee of $950.00 must be submitted with the application. Department approval must be obtained before any construction or modifications are begun.
All off-premise sign permits are transferrable except Official Sign Permits. New sign owners are required to submit a Permit Ownership Transfer Application within 90 days of the sale or transfer of ownership of a sign structure. A non-refundable Application Processing fee of $250.00 must be submitted with the application.
Permits may be obtained by submitting the appropriate application through the Online Permit System
Outdoor Advertising Control Helpful Links
The Outdoor Advertising Control Map
The Outdoor Advertising Control Map shows various state routes where OAC is mandated by law. By toggling layers and using pan functions the end-user can quickly identify which routes require OAC. The end-user can also learn where active billboard permits are located and identify permit-related metadata (e.g., sign owner, permit number, highway name, milepost marker, and much more). Specific permits may be identified using a Permit Number, Property Address or Latitude, Longitude Coordinates.
Disclaimer: The Department is continuously applying best efforts to improve program transparency and data quality. The data represented within this OAC Map is derived directly from the Department’s inventory control system, which may contain errors or unintentional omissions (i.e., blank fields, outdated data, etc.). The Department retains the right to monitor, evaluate, adjust, modify, and correct any identified errors as they are encountered or discovered. At no time should this data be solely relied upon for decisions or actions of consequence without further direct consultation and verification of accuracy from a Department representative assigned administrative responsibility for the Department’s Outdoor Advertising Control Program.
Outdoor Advertising Control Map Tutorial
The Outdoor Advertising Control Map Tutorial is available to help navigate the functions of the Outdoor Advertising Control Map.
RoadView Explorer HD
The RoadView Explorer HD is an online interface that allows the end-user to virtually drive all state highways. It includes route and milepost search features. It also includes wide-view and high-definition photographs.
Outdoor Advertising Control Program Guide
This link provides a general overview of the Outdoor Advertising Control Program and Outdoor Advertising regulations.
Introduction to Outdoor Advertising Control Video
This video provides a general overview of the Outdoor Advertising Control Program and Outdoor Advertising regulations.
Outdoor Advertising Control Program Sign Data Download Portal
This link provides the public with the ability to download outdoor advertising permit-related data in an aggregate spreadsheet format. The data source is derived from the same data that populates the Outdoor Advertising Control Map.
Disclaimer: The Department is continuously applying best efforts to improve program transparency and data quality. The data represented within this OAC Sign Data Download Portal is derived directly from the Department’s inventory control system, which may contain errors or unintentional omissions (i.e., blank fields, outdated data, etc.). The Department retains the right to monitor, evaluate, adjust, modify, and correct any identified errors as they are encountered or discovered. At no time should this data be solely relied upon for decisions or actions of consequence without further direct consultation and verification of accuracy from a Department representative assigned administrative responsibility for the Department’s Outdoor Advertising Control Program.
Utah Interstate Logos
This link will take you to the Utah Interstate Logos website where you can find information about Utah Logo Signs and Tourist Oriented Directional Sign, costs and contact information.
Since 1990 and 2016, respectively, Utah Logos has been responsible for the administration and operation of the Utah Logo Sign and the Tourist-Oriented Directional Sign Programs for the State of Utah and the Utah Department of Transportation.
Outdoor Advertising Complaints
Persons wishing to file complaints for sign violations may submit an OAC Complaint Form
All complaints received by the OAC Program are taken seriously and will be investigated. This form is not available on the OLP System. Please complete the form and submit it to the department per the instructions on the form.
Outdoor Advertising Control Regulations
State Law – Utah Outdoor Advertising Act
State Law – Utah Outdoor Advertising Act – Utah Code 72-7-5
State Rule – R933-2 Control of Outdoor Advertising Signs
Utah Administrative Code R933-2, Control of Outdoor Advertising
State Rule – R933-5 – Utah-Federal Agreement
Utah Administrative Code R933-5, Utah-Federal Agreement
Federal Law – 23 U.S.C 131 – Control of Outdoor Advertising
Federal Law – 23 U.S. C. 131
Federal Regulations – 23CFR 750 – Highway Beautification
Federal Regulations – 23 CFR 750 – Highway Beautification
Unified Commercial Development Permit Waiver
Overview and Background:
During the 2017 Legislative Session, HB355 amended portions of the Utah Outdoor Advertising Act. These amendments modified portions of Utah Code §72-7-504.6, designating certain qualifying commercial centers as Unified Commercial Developments (UCDs).
Under this legislation, some commercial developments may be eligible to secure a permit exemption for signs that may otherwise be considered unlawful by state and federal law (irrespective of any prior local government approvals). Typically, such signs advertise to nearby controlled highway corridors, but the location of the sign(s) may not be on the same premises where the advertised activity is physically occurring. In this typical scenario, such signs are off-premises signs, but due to other prohibitions they cannot qualify for a required off-premises sign permit from the state.
Why this is important:
This is important because this legislation builds a narrow, but navigable, bridge between what may otherwise be considered unlawful advertising and the needs of the commercial development. Failing to maintain effective control of off-premises advertising can subject the State of Utah to more than $30M in federal penalties each year. Such a penalty would have catastrophic funding consequences adversely affecting state and local highway development projects across Utah. Requiring removal of signs that may now qualify for protections afforded by this legislation could also create avoidable economic impacts for vital commercial development and business-oriented communities.
Application Process:
Commercial developments with signs not located on the premises where the advertised activity is physically occurring and which are visible to a controlled highway may apply for a UCD Permit Waiver by submitting the UCD Permit Waiver Application. Please complete the application and submit it to the department per the instructions on the form. This application is not yet available on the OLP System.
Revocable Permit Waiver Application
Revocable Permit Waiver Application Checklist
Contact the Outdoor Advertising Control Program
Main Email – OutdoorAdvertisingControl@utah.gov
Statewide Permit Officer – David Mower – dmower@utah.gov — (385) 522-9525
Statewide Permit Officer – Brandon Hyatt – bhyatt@utah.gov — (801) 633-2540
Statewide Permits Program Manager – Susan K Parker – skparker@utah.gov — (801) 633-8608
Statewide Permitting Operations Administrator – Zach Derr – zderr@utah.gov — (801) 965-4163