Consultant & Engineering Services Contracts
Welcome To Consultant Services
UDOT Consultant Services is responsible for the procurement and administration of design and professional services necessary for department programs and projects. Consultant Services procures services under the authority and guidance of federal and state laws, regulations, and rules.
Manual of Instruction:

The Consultant Services Manual of Instruction (MOI) provides information and guidance related to the engineering and professional services contracting process. Our goal is to provide relevant information to department staff, Local Government agencies, and consultant firms regarding contracting with UDOT on transportation related programs and projects. The policies and procedures outlined within this manual are required by, and have been developed to ensure compliance with, state and federal laws, regulations, and rules.
Doing Business with Consultant Services – Helpful Links:
For Consultants New to Doing Business with UDOT:
Thank you for your interest in doing business with UDOT! To get started, please review pages 20-24 of the Consultant Services Manual of Instruction (MOI) which will provide you with information and guidance for new consultants. This webpage has additional links and resources that you will find helpful including the Consultant Selection Matrix, the Marketing Report, and Project Manager Contact lists. We highly recommend subscribing to our Consultant Services Email Notification List to receive email notifications regarding advertised solicitations and other consultant services updates. We look forward to working with you.
Authority to Contract:

Consultant Services procures services under the authority and guidance of federal and state laws, regulations, and rules. Please see links and descriptions of applicable laws, regulations, and rules in the “Authority to Contract” drop down below:
Authority to Contract
- 40 U.S. Code 1101-1104 (Selection of Architects and Engineers): Commonly referred to as the Brooks Act, requires the procurement of architectural and engineering services on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualification for the type of professional services required. This is also known as a Qualifications Based Selection (QBS).
- Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations Part 172 (Procurement, Management, and Administration of Engineering and Design Related Services): Code requires UDOT to prepare and maintain written policies and procedures for the procurement, management, and administration of engineering and design‐related services for contracts using federal‐aid funds.
- Utah Code Title 72, Chapter 2, Part 2, Section 206 (Department Authority to Contract): Outlines UDOT’s authority to contract with entities concerning the planning, construction, lease, or other acquisition, installation, or financing of transportation projects.
- Utah Administrative Rule R907‐66 Procurement of Consultant Services – Procedures and Contract Administration: Establishes UDOT procedures for procuring services of design, engineering, engineering‐related services, and other professional services (all referred to as consultants) and administering the attendant contracts using federal‐aid highway program funding or Utah State funding.
This Rule defines “Consultant” as an expert that UDOT contracts with to perform professional services necessary to the planning, progress, and completion of any design, engineering, and engineering related service. It also defines “Other Professional Services” such as grant writing, asset management, transportation research, prototype development, technology transfer, project‐related public involvement, right of way acquisition services, and any other service deemed necessary by the Director.
Consultant Selection Matrix:

The Consultant Services – Consultant Selection Matrix is a valuable, single-page tool that presents an overview of the department selection methods, contract caps, and estimated selection timeframe.
Other Resources:
Name | Description |
Consultant Selection Report | Shows contracts executed over the past year. |
Marketing Report | Current Information regarding ongoing projects including current project status, UDOT Project Managers assigned, locations, and project values. |
Successful Pool, RPLOQ, and RFQ Proposals Form | To request access to the successful and qualified proposals over the past year, please complete this form. |
Project Manager Contact List | Displays UDOT Project Managers names, titles, and contact information organized by Region. |
Consultant Services Communication:
To receive emails regarding advertised solicitations and other Consultant Services communication, subscribe to the Consultant Services Email Notification List.
Contact Information
Gaye Hettrick Consultant Services Manager Email: Cell: (801) 633-6213 |
Leslie Peterson Transportation Project Manager Email: Cell: (801) 828-5554 |
Audrey D’Ambruoso Financial Screening Analyst Email: Cell: (401) 374-9254 |
Sara Memmott Business Systems Analyst Email: Cell: (801) 787-3305 |
Sabrina Beatty Contract Administrator Email: Cell: (801) 879-4304 |
Camber Wilkey Purchasing Coordinator Email: Cell: (801) 885-9177 |
Lee Brumble Auditor III Email: Cell: (801) 633-7801 |