Public Involvement Resources

Public Involvement Resources
The UDOT Public Involvement Team, including UDOT communications professionals and their trusted consultants, strive to keep the general public, community leaders and local businesses informed of transportation issues in their area. The tools below are provided to help Communications Team members with this important task.
If you have questions about any of these tools please contact the UDOT Communications Division central office.
UDOT Branding, Resources, Guides, and Plans
UDOT Style Guide – Guidelines for using the UDOT brand across visual and written communications.
Public Participation Plan – Information to help outline UDOT’s efforts and recommendations for involving a wide range of Utahns in engagement opportunities.
Social Media Strategic Plan – Objectives, strategies, and tactics for UDOT’s use of social media.
Social Media Guidelines – Specific details on how UDOT uses social media including suggested topics, guidance for sharing and responding, QC/QA process, and how to request a new social channel.
UDOT Logos – UDOT’s official logos including division logos as well as the main logo and its approved alternates. Use these logos in conjunction with the guidelines provided in the UDOT Style Guide.
UDOT Presentation Templates – Various blank presentation options available for download and use.
Study and Project Set Up and Branding
Project Outreach Planner (POP) – The POP was developed to help study and project teams determine the level of public involvement needed. Please note that for full functionality you should download the document. The browser version is not able to complete the calculation.
Project Branding & Style Guide – This guide helps department employees and members of UDOT-sponsored project teams know how to properly use the UDOT logo, branding, and templates. The proper use of these guidelines will strengthen and protect UDOT’s brand and reputation, reduce confusion, and create a uniform pattern of use.
- Design & Construction Assets – asset files for design and construction projects of all sizes including business cards, fliers, and poster boards.
- Environmental, Studies, Programs, etc. – asset files for studies and programs of all sizes including business cards, fliers, and poster boards.
- Project Map Template – An Adobe Illustrator file to design project maps.
- Click here to download the materials to follow along with a video tutorial.
- UDOT Voice & Writing Guide – This style guide features tips and best practices to help you communicate in a professional, clear, and concise manner.
Study and Project Website and Email Address Request Form – Study and project teams should complete this form to obtain access to UDOT website and email resources.
UDOT Traffic Website Quick Reference – Steps for entering project information and alerts on the UDOT Traffic website and app.
Public Meetings
Civil Rights Public Meeting Requirements – List of requirements provided by UDOT’s Title VI specialist to insure that we are meeting Title VI guidelines as well as UDOT’s commitment to informing all impacted publics and provide input opportunities to all users.
Civil Rights and Title VI Public Meeting Checklist and Summary – Checklist and form to insure that public meetings meet Civil Rights and Title VI requirements.
Public Meeting Sign-In Sheet – Template with the recommended sign-in sheet fields.
Civil Rights and Title VI
Public Participation Plan – Information to help outline UDOT’s efforts and recommendations for involving a wide range of Utahns in engagement opportunities.
Title VI Data Collection Report – (google survey link)
Civil Rights and Title VI Project Evaluation – This form will help study and project teams identify ways the project will meet Civil Rights requirements.
Civil Rights and Title VI Public Meeting Checklist and Summary – Checklist and form to insure that public meetings meet Civil Rights and Title VI requirements.
Title VI Poster and Title VI Poster (Spanish) – Information about Title VI and the UDOT Civil Rights Office.
LEP Poster and LEP Poster (Spanish) – Information about Limited English Proficiency protections.
Title VI Non-Discrimination Poster
Title VI Non-Discrimination Spanish Poster
Additional Project Resources
Communication Checklist for a Full-Freeway Closure – Recommended communication tactics for a full-freeway or highway closures on heavily used truck routes and in heavily populated areas.
Noise Analysis Process (PDF File) or Noise Analysis Process (InDesign File) – Flowchart to help project teams explain UDOT’s noise analysis process.
Statewide Raised Median Toolkit – Website with information and resources to assess and discuss the applications and public implications of raised medians.