Technology and Innovation Group

Accelerating Change | Continuous Improvement | Organizational Development
Technology and Innovation Team
Nathan Lee, PE
Director of Technology and Innovation
Christy Johnson
Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Volkening
Director of Data Analytics and Governance
PJ Roubinet
Director of Maintenance and Facility Management
Cameron Kergaye, PhD, PMP, PE
Director of Research and Innovation
Lyle McMillan
Director of Strategic Technologies
Vacant, PE
Director of Transportation Performance Management (TPM)
Technology and Innovation Organizational Chart
Technology and Innovation Divisions
Data, Analytics and Governance
Maintenance and Facility Management

Research and Innovation

The Innovation team gathers employee ideas and steers the best of them through to implementation across UDOT. Many of these ideas are highlighted in the annual Innovation and Efficiencies report.
Beyond these core functions, the Research & Innovation division works behind the scenes with national transportation organizations, initiates national surveys, coordinates with UDOT’s TRB annual meeting attendees, takes on quick research requests, and much more. Visit the Research and Innovation and Innovation Station pages for more information about their programs.
Road Usage Charge

Transportation Performance Management (TPM)

- Gather Data
- Organize it into Information
- Help analyze it to gain Knowledge and understanding
For questions, concerns, or changes please contact Elida Stults at