2. About Us
  3. Technology and Innovation Group

Technology and Innovation Group

Accelerating Change | Continuous Improvement | Organizational Development

Technology and Innovation Team

Nathan Lee, PE
Director of Technology and Innovation

Christy Johnson
Administrative Assistant

Jennifer Volkening
Director of Data Analytics and Governance

PJ Roubinet
Director of Maintenance and Facility Management

Cameron Kergaye, PhD, PMP, PE
Director of Research and Innovation

Lyle McMillan
Director of Strategic Technologies

Vacant, PE
Director of Transportation Performance Management (TPM)

Technology and Innovation Organizational Chart

Technology and Innovation Divisions

Data, Analytics and Governance

The Data Analytics & Governance Division helps UDOT leverage data, apply analytics, and implement new technology. We create consistency and open technology opportunities across the department.
  • Data, Technology, and Analytics web page
  • Maintenance and Facility Management

    The Maintenance and Facility Management team’s focus is to provide the latest in innovative tools, resources and assistance to our customers. Our core mission is to “Keep Utah Moving”, we accomplish this by partnering with our stakeholders to provide real time data, budget forecasting and maintaining our lands and buildings and roadway assets in a state of good repair, while continuing to protect our environment. Please visit the Maintenance and Facility Management web page for information about Stormwater Management, Adopt or Sponsor a Highway, Rest Areas, Pavement Marking Warranties, Snow Removal and more…

    Research and Innovation

    The Research team works with UDOT experts and external partners to identify and prioritize transportation research that meets UDOT’s most important needs. This is done through an annual prioritization workshop, also called UTRAC. Research staff manage the selected projects, publish final reports, host final presentations, and support project champions in implementing research results. The Research team also manages UDOT’s library.
    The Innovation team gathers employee ideas and steers the best of them through to implementation across UDOT. Many of these ideas are highlighted in the annual Innovation and Efficiencies report
    Beyond these core functions, the Research & Innovation division works behind the scenes with national transportation organizations, initiates national surveys, coordinates with UDOT’s TRB annual meeting attendees, takes on quick research requests, and much more. Visit the Research and Innovation and Innovation Station pages for more information about their programs.

    Road Usage Charge

    Transportation Performance Management (TPM)

    Image of bar graph trending upward. Purely for decorative purposes.
    In the Transportation Performance Management Division we:
    • Gather Data
    • Organize it into Information
    • Help analyze it to gain Knowledge and understanding
    Our process and products focus on taking the raw and unrefined and forging it into useful tools and insights.
  • Transportation Performance Management web page
  • Past Statistical Summaries

  • For questions, concerns, or changes please contact Elida Stults at elidastults@utah.gov.